
Paul and Storm - Opening Band

I still have a soft spot for You Don't Love Me Anymore.

Fair trade off.

Oh… good call on Eternal Sunshine. It slipped my mind.

He probably thinks there are four lights too.

Yeah, well aware of the timeline. Just mentioning that those two are some of the farthest two deviations in his filmography. I totally forgot about the 23 one though… which is probably for the best.

Yeah, the Truman Show was pretty much the farthest thing from the "same thing" that Carrey has done… well except for maybe the Majestic, but that was a hunk of turd.

Diggstown is one of my favorites. Every time I bring it up with anyone though I get blank stares. Shame.

So White shot Joe twice? Good thing Eddie fell over anyway.

I enjoyed it enough to watch again. Decent cast and some solid lore building. Plus apparently Lance Reddick shows up soon so there's that.

First Non-May release? This is already starting out so well.

As someone said on FB… Bake it so.

This really is pretty amazing.

Here's hoping Peter Dinklage has more than just a small part.

I actually laughed at her reaction. Best moment of the film.

I actually laughed at her reaction. Best moment of the film.

" up to and including that old chestnut about someone refusing medical treatment because of their religious beliefs,"

" up to and including that old chestnut about someone refusing medical treatment because of their religious beliefs,"

Yeah, I heard 20 weeks too.

Yeah, I heard 20 weeks too.