
Random thoughts:

Still  can't stand "Astro." He may or may not have talent, but he's such a little dick I don't care.

Yeah, Dean went into this whole thing about the house being destroyed and thinking Bobby was dead. His response was something akin to 'well, I'm not.' He later mentioned rebuilding his library like he was buying groceries.

Yeah, the fact they're still around is the only reason I'm not fully on board with the idea.

Quick question, anyone else thinking Bobby may not be Bobby?

Edit… never mind… the End of the Road comment threw me since I hadn't gotten there yet.

They'd do better to split up the Vegas week into two shows so they can detail things like that.

Two quick things…
The violin version of Yellow really grew on me.

Pretty sure people talked about it in one of the audition threads. He's not coming back this season.

I missed Tyce

Oh good point on the music. I never even thought about that but it makes sense.

So guys, this old guy is pretty creepy and batshit insane.

I was done…
as soon as I read about Fox promoting a welcome home for James Durbin.

If you don't think Steven Tyler will still sing with James during the finale then you haven't been paying attention to the show. They bring everyone back for the finale.

Awesome result. The only person I wanted to stay was Haley.

I'd be pissed off too. J Lo's critique made no sense at all.

I know where Scotty was…. he was 6…
Wow… talk about pandering with that 9/11 song…


My overriding thought through this whole episode…
Man, Chuck is a real dick.

Seriously, all of the exchanges between the brothers and Cas annoyed the fuck out of me.