
Wait… Season 5 is your least favorite season?

Oh heck, you're right Jay. I heard him mention something about random but didn't make that connection.

That's quite possible too. I was a bit thrown by Scotty being in the bottom 3 tonight. It'll either spark some votes or it speaks of a trend.

Rewatch the beginning of tonight's group medley and tell me how good Haley is. Really, neither one of them is that great.

Well, I guess they don't pre-record all of the group medleys

If it means anything, she's a hell of a lot better than Haley.

I honestly think Casey just stopped giving a damn once he got saved.

Only one passing mention of Jacob's outfit?

After putting up with American Idol's declining talent and.. everything for that matter, I actually enjoyed this one. For one thing, the judges are directly invested in the results, so they actually give a shit.

For the record…
DialIdol was way off tonight.

Why even pick genres anymore?
Man in the Mirror?
When a Man Loves a Woman?
River Deep Mountain High?
That's All Right, Mama?

Shame about Thia…
She was one of the few left that could actually sing. She acted like a robot though and probably lost points not giving a shit about the Casey situation last week.

I forgot that 2 were going home, so they actually picked all 7 of them to go home. However, they were in the middle of the 'unsafe' group so they broke the lowest goes home streak.

I read this before I saw the show, and I still found myself laughing when they first cut to the stage.

Well, they predict a placement range. ie: 2-8 for Haley or 3-10 for James this week.

Dial Idol has the possible bottom 3 people as:

VFTW is riding the Paul bandwagon right now.

Yeah the 9 performer tour was back in Season 2.

They did the Top 11 tour last year or the year before as well.

I called him for the bottom 3 last night as soon as I noticed he was going first.