
That episode scared the crap out of me as a kid too. I haven't run into very many people that even remember that one.

I said something along the same lines. The previews have me feeling pretty good about the rest of the season though.

Julia Seigler…

The Critic had like 3 seasons so I'm not sure it qualifies.

"Why was Sarah assigned to kill Shaw's wife for her Red Test—didn't the government know who she was?"

I agree with all of the hate. This was one of the worst episodes I've ever seen.

I'm pretty sure the Simpsons did it as well back when they were getting moved around from Thursdays to Sundays.

I totally missed the shot of the car or Death for that matter if there was one. Was it a background shot or something?

Another horseman…
…it must be Thursday.

Welcome back Claire

Smilner, Todrick ripped off kids and families for a ton of money. He's a horrible person at worst or inept as hell at best. I'm not a fan.

The second hour with the girls was where the talent was. Tonight there were two or three ok performances but most of it was pretty bad.

Also the rape whistle is so Todrick can alert the rest of his conmen buddies when the cops show up.

I love that…
You say 'They're forever urging people to take a song and make it their own, and I can't remember anyone doing just that as well as Todrick does' and then bring up Andrew Garcia's performance of Straight Up at the end of the page.

I may be in the minority
…but I disagree on the bottom 2. Siobhan was one of the only ones I liked enough to even consider voting for.

True, but pointing out the best odd numbered TOS movie is like picking the best Heroes episode from Season 2.

I figured it out…
The whole show is just a viral marketing campaign for the new Star Trek franchise.

Jackie may not be the lead but he's arguably the star of the show. He really shined in this episode.

Nah, they rely on the Haitian's magical plot device powers too much to ever get rid of him.

I was a bit surprised…
That they didn't put a disclaimer or something on the show following the climax with Samuel. Given the timing in relation to Haiti, it seemed a bit inconsiderate.