
Sylar was in the episode for like 3 seconds at most and that was in a dream.

Janice is the true victim in this episode…
What in the hell did they do to her hair?

They think he could be dead, that's why Chuck reacted the way he did.

Everyone has big plans for me.

The list has Ryan 3x in 7 dances.


While I agree it's probably not some big conspiracy… It's pretty easy to do three sets of pairs without any repeat in a group.

Interesting order tonight…
Kathryn got two dances in the last 3?

Yeah, the Tritter arc was pretty horrid. I wasn't a fan of the Vogler arc either but at least that was needed for character development.

Yeah Scuba, it gave him the strength and got rid of all the nasty side effects of the fake stuff he tried making.

He was cured by the formula wash or whatever he got when Knox and Flint trashed the lab at the end of Volume 3.

Peter never knew. He was checking on Claire and never saw Nathan get killed or any of the crap that followed.

Chuck's medical advice
'There really is no such thing as a Croatoan virus for… down there. You should really go see a doctor.


Song question
I didn't get a chance to watch until tonight. I was trying to come up with the tune that Walter was whistling. Can someone help me out with that one?

Peter's power or lack thereof
Can anyone explain to me how or why he got the deaf girl's power but never got Samuel's?