
One of my favorite SNL skits is "How much ya bench? with Mohr, Farley, Sandler, Spade, and Emilio Estevez. Surprisingly Mohr is great as the guy with few lines with the giant jaw. That is all I can remember ever liking him in.

George Michael in the jetpack fighting Tobias dressed as a mole in Tiny town. Any references to the cost of Gob's suit or any portion with J. Walter Weatherman too. Plus… dammit I'm going to waste my afternoon watching arrested development.

cheat sheets and cliff notes
I remember when the X files movie came out there was a long intro you could listen to before the movie that was supposed to help non-fans of the show better understand whatever the hell was supposed to happen in the movie. It seems like the same idea as the crib sheet they handed out for

When I teach intro physiology classes I always show the video of Michael Gazzaniga with the split brain patient and display my nerd cred by talking about A Scanner Darkly. memory formation gives me a chance to show clips from memento too. I've been meaning to look closer into PKD's relationship with Gazzaniga and

Areas of my expertise
No Hodgman on this list? Second the Dennis Miller rants books, I'll assume he never made more than two of those and was killed in a car accident in 2000.

pretty knowledgeable pro wrestling fans?

As a college professor, I can state that many of my students like Taylor Swift and wear Taylor Swift apparel.

I was thinking that was the first time I have not heard French Lick mentioned in the same breath as Larry Bird. (Although I've heard the resort/casino is quite nice.)

I believe IV has Clint Howard in it and has no discernible relationship with the others, other than being boring for a slasher flick.

Give the F!
C'mon Phipps, get out of your average movie reviews and start throwing some F's and A's.
Also, your sentence was unclear, was Jim Carrey more restrained than you thought, or was he restrained for what is expected of someone playing Scrooge? I'm guessing the former, either way I'll never see it. I'll

any of the short story collections
Just like Lovecraft you need to start with small doses of the craziness and with the earlier stuff.

In the middle of it, and agreed. I thought "Flow my tears.." was out there, but not even close to valis.

After I stopped watching at the start of last season I could always read the recaps and have a few chuckles, but I can't even do that anymore. There is only so much you can read about another person being annoyed by a show. Sorry, heroes is so bad I can't even read the tv club reviews of it.

The line I've used since I was a kid: You wanna know where you can get a hold of Mrs. Potter? I don't know she's awfully ticklish. I was always more of an Animal Crackers fan myself.

how could we all forget whippin' post?!?

Agreed Andre, I think if the live version is the version the song is known for, then that should be what's considered. see also most of the last waltz, machine gun. I think the dead still have a bad rap because of the fan base, and the half hour noodling. Curses to the AV club staff for a random condition they may

Cowgirl/Down by the River?
No comments on inclusion of Cowgirl in the Sand instead of Down by the River? I guess they are interchangeable, but Down by the River has many more one and two note solos.

I went to see them a few years ago when they reunited, and loved it. After that though, I said that I wouldn't listen to any new stuff they made or see them again since it would likely suck big time a la any band reuniting after they are older and a key member has died. This sounds to be a great second coming

agreed, right up there with wear sunscreen and don't bet on horses.

great book
at least the end. The race in this book and a passage from 'into the wild' are the best descriptions of the euphoria of testing your bodies limits that I've come across.