laoser, you are doing the lord's work.
laoser, you are doing the lord's work.
Someone needs to make the Jaqen pulling the mask off to become Gene Parmesan gif now.
Dear zachary is one that always is near the top of the list, and always the most heartbreaking.
I liked Yours Truly, and pretty much everything Grandaddy made, but haven't been able to get into this one as much.
I liked Yours Truly, and pretty much everything Grandaddy made, but haven't been able to get into this one as much.
Isn't this list from the inventory book, or do I just have déjà vu?
nels is phenomenal, but he looks like an old lesbian in that photo.
areas of my expertise?
I hope that Hodgman is behind this, or at least getting a cut.
post-southland tales
as boxer santero I think he would be the perfect fit for this.
In the 80s cannon there are high places for Big Trouble, They Live, The Thing, and Escape. Hell, he made the only non-campy Lovecraft movie too. He should be the definition of lifetime pass, ghosts of mars be damned.
ask the av club
The first paragraph brought back memories of ask the av club (sans canadian cartoons from the 80s or Ray Bradbury).
Ned's still got some talent though!
agree with the gapper. It wasn't good, it was just promising that it could be good, then had a lousy season finale. Some of us held out hope that season 2 would make things better, but, sweet lord, it did not. Then after the writer's strike it was supposed to regain its bearing, but again got worse. By the end Tim…
Mary stuck it to her with the old guy. She even gets overlooked in the review.
I can't help but see too many parallels between this and Heroes. What's Tim Kring up to these days anyway?
I see an award winning network sitcom in his future just like Emeril! Plot: Duff vies for customers against a stuffy uptown bakery run by a strict German immigrant while also trying to date his rival's daughter. Plus, Ernest Borgnine as his wacky dad.
since it hasn't been said yet
Also used in close encounters (richard dreyfuss is wearing a ball state letter jacket near the beginning), and I lived there for four eventful years. I think we've summed up all there is to know.
More Muncie related threads please! Also third or fourth on what a hole that town is.
I liked it but…
Who plays the straight man? Migo? Kerri Russell? the kid? I think it could become a really funny show, but there is no good straight man available. Can Jason Bateman be brought back as Gob's estranged reasonable brother?
John Lithgow
My 5 yr old loves his books too. "I got two dogs" is the type of song that will stick in your head for months.…