
Pygmy is really a double agent the whole time…or he is his dad traveling back in time. Either way, i'll probably pass on this one.

huzzah, 5 years and my first firstie. I can now retire awaiting my death by cancer/aids/flaming poo.

that was fast enough recognition

say nuclear wessels.

deal with that!
Extra points (as if they were needed) for the drunken tracey morgan reference at the end.

Have to agree with AI and Grave of the Fireflies. Both Grave and Iron Giant I started watching without having a clue what either was about, which was worse with grave since I missed the first few minutes so wasn't expecting the kids to die. I was almost late for my wedding because I put Iron Giant on to kill time and

tonight's the night?
No time to make a new cover for the album?

good call isaac, i was thinking too that zeljko will be revealed to have some power and then be killed off without any explanation of why he acted the way he did.
I think we only progressed the plot in two ways, Daphne is still alive (dammit!) and mohinder isn't sure if he should help the heroes or not (oh, wait that

Agreed, If Heroes is there example of smart TV then I think we will be OK without. And when is it news that dumb shows that appeal to a very broad audience and don't cost anything are what networks want to make?

Why does keeping Tracy in a warm room prevent her from using her abilities?
A decent show would have at least created more tension between the Homeland Security lady and Nathan. It went from we're shutting you down to here is everything you need in a few minutes. Why even introduce that character if she

more strangeness
What happened to the little girl that lived with Parkman? A couple vans and 20 guys to take down Mohinder and 4 guys on Sylar?
My wife was excited that someone would actually die in the plane crash and kill off a few characters, but the only person sucked out of the plane (Tailie?) still had a hood

my father went the same way.