Oh, come on, neither of them would put that apostrophe there!
You can read the writing on the wall?
My favorite on the day, by a significant margin, was "Hands so small/ cannot build a wall".
Platoon, anyone?
Thank you for the list. I found it helpful to donate.
You're rolling nat twenties on these answers.
Many nazi uniforms were also gray. Pretty big gray area, really.
Hey, Mister God! What about meeeeeeeeee?!
Where is that girl with the Iron Throne replica?
He and she would then be nothing but mammals.
It's no Volkswagen.
Maybe he's Maybelline?
People die over questions like this all the time, now and throughout human history.
What if it was in-vitro conceived during an eclipse, suspended, then put into a surrogate and delivered during another eclipse?
100% pure… 100% lethal… He's not a white supremacist; HE'S A CAT-PERSON!
She wants m' Cox!
Avoid the mango Joe-Joes like the plague. The matcha ones are delicious, though. Newman-O's are good, too, especially the ginger ones. At T-Joe's, though, I always reach for the Triple Ginger Snaps.
It was a layer cake.