
By the way, Crusade is the lousy film of the two.

Am I the only person who's seen Overnight, but not Boondock Saints?

That was the big rumor from the first one, that they cut a scene where in the very beginning you see the gang tangle with a wolf, which limps back to Gramp's house and falls asleep.

1. So it's just the first movie all over again?

For a moment
I thought that was Christopher Lambert in the picture.

Your neon lights will shine
My wife pointed out that whenever someone in a TV show watches Xanadu, they point this out to the audience by having Olivia Newton-John singing the title song… which comes at the end of the film.

There was a really great bit in the MST3k about all the fun you could have after the apocalypse, given the ready availability of food, gas, and weapons that you see in all the films.

The Devil's Candy
Fifty Cent plays a driven young man who grew up on the streets of Baltic Ave with only one dream: to make it to Park Place. Only he found out the hard way that certain people want him to go directly to jail in… Do Not Pass Go…

Killing Meg Ryan won't bring your goddamn honey back.

You know…
The only reason I read this article was because the RSS feed implied you were going to talk about the Brady Kids.

Mm, touché

Two things
1. We seem to be defining a flop as a critical and/or commercial failure, just to shoehorn it in to the list. Granted, I can't imagine watching Wild Hogs, but I'm pretty sure it did good business at the box office.

I'd argue that producers have a great deal of control over what a film looks like, if they work for the studio, since they have greater control over the final cut. Er, don't they?

That feud will never work itself out.

The pitch
"…a stable that included Quentin Tarantino, Kevin Smith, and Jane Campion…"

Can I make a confession?
I don't like Jarmusch movies. At all. I like to think I'm a reasonably intelligent person. I love films by Kurosawa, Herzog, and Wenders. And a lot of people I respect keep going on and on about how great Jarmusch is.

Saw it a preview
This is a really good scary movie for those who aren't into torture porn. A tiny amount of blood and a lot of suspense.

I look forward to this list every year
Still, I can't believe you didn't name-check MC Skat Kat with the Chipmunks album. Oh, and "Chipmunk Punk" is awesome.

The Sundance curse
I was at a lecture with an indie film director recently, and he said that one of the many problems of Sundance is that if you make it in, and your film doesn't get picked up for distribution there, there's a stigma attached: "Oh, you didn't get picked up at Sundance?" Strange to see the problem from

Did someone say KITT? And Christmas? Then it's the perfect excuse to post this!