
The Jeffrey Jones link runs off the page.

A novel by Scott Summers
These X-Men crossovers are really getting out of hand.

Joe Bob Briggs once made a comparison between Whoopi Goldberg and Bruce Willis. It went something like: "Bruce Willis does 'Hudson Hawk' and people say 'Ooh, I don't know if Bruce can recover from that.' Whoopi does 'Theodore Rex' and everyone says 'Huh. I wonder what her next movie's going to be.'"

And Lilly has an extended bit before singing "I'm tired" where she comes out on stage in a tux.

Another blog
To read is Mark Evanier's News from Me (www.newsfromme.com) which has his insights as a man who's gone through 5 strikes(!) as well as commentary and rebuttals. Most notably that 1) residuals aren't extra money, they're deferred compensation (and therefore, only make money if a show is successful) and 2)