
Yeah…I'm sort of surprised that one hasn't been made into a crappy TV show or something. I mean, they make crappy nerf video games, so why the hell not?

I'm still waiting for the birth certificate. She's a terrorist sleeper agent I tell ya', no doubt about it.

Yeah, Marvel keeps flip flopping on the numbering across all of their titles. I can't really speak for Fantastic Four, but since I started reading Spider-Man in the mid 90s(I was a kid, and yes, I know, I picked the WORST time to start reading Spider-Man ever. My childhood as a comics nerd contained both the Clone

Flame Off. CancerAIDS on.

Sadly, you're right, Rare really isn't the same. I've actually mentioned several times IRL that the best thing anyone could do with Perfect Dark is take it away from Rare. And I didn't have a problem playing the Xbox Live port of Perfect Dark with a 360 controller, so I don't imagine the difference in control would

That is absolutely what I'm saying, yes. What can I say, the future's sort of fucked up like that. Trust me, I've been there.

True,but Cody conceived of Burgerphone, and therefore I give her more of the blame. Besides, Jason Reitman's other films are Thank You For Smoking and Up in the Air, which are both pretty good in my book.

There's also SC:Ghost, which Blizzard has announced, canceled, and announced again about a dozen times now. That said, if I could actually any constantly rumored/announced and then canceled game to come out, I'd have to go with Perfect Dark 2.
And no, Perfect Dark Zero does NOT count. That game didn't happen, I don't

Correction, her several non-Juno films, since she wrote part of Burlesque and allegedly she worked on some other terrible films. Point is, blame her for Hamburger Phone. In fact, just go ahead and blame her for everything.

@My Hero Zero
Don't blame the younger Reitman for the hamburger phone, he directed the movie, he didn't write it. All blame for THAT goes to Diablo Cody, who's name is almost as stupid as her only non-Juno film. I laughed at a couple of jokes in Juno. I just laughed at Jennifer's Body.

A long time ago, in a hotel room far, far away…

What can I say, Roman Polanski was one of his influences.

Well, that and Starcraft 2 finally coming out last year. I'm running out of things to wait an absurdly long amount of time for.

@ Jiminy Cricket-Entirely legitimate point.

Great, now I think that George Lucas is just a shell for Krang from Ninja Turtles…which somehow STILL explains Crystal Skull sucking.

Same applies to Crystal Skull.

That, and if I have learned anything from shoddily made post-apocalypse films(especially one's starring Will Smith and a dog) it's that the power will remain on after the end of the world, especially if someone needs to watch Shrek enough times to memorize it.
Besides, the real end of the universe is way worse.

I have given a name to my pain…and it is Chairman of the Bored

You are my number one guy.

Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moon light?