
I'm sorry, Merk, I'm so sorry.
Back to the original goal of changing show titles…
Bitches of a Certain Age
Bitch's Anatomy
The Good Bitch
Bitch Notice
Last Bitch Standing

On a similar note, my friend's two year old cousin can't say the word truck correctly. Apparently he decided that the best way to make up for his inability to say TR sounds was to replace them with F. Knowing this, we still decided to take him to an auto show. Funniest mistake ever.

I will allow myself to believe that Juggalos can work at Liquor stores, but I can't really see them actually having jobs anywhere else. I mean, it's a liquor store, you're either trying to get drunk or already there if you're there, so who cares if a crazy clown is selling you the booze.
Incidentally, the last time I

I don't have a clever title change to add, I just wanted to say that "Dirty Bitches with Mike Rowe" needs to happen. Now.

The problem with this post is that you assume that Juggalos can get jobs. That, my friend, is a damn lie.

…ain't shit.

Yeah, it's not really essential, although I have to admit that I kind of liked it. I really don't know why, I know it's popular among Whovians to hate on it, but I thought it was a decent enough little episode, and it has one of David's best lines ever. It's really not too bad for it's first 3/4ths, the trick is that

Not Bad
Not bad at all. It was nice to see a twist on a Christmas Carol that was genuinely clever. This was a fun special, and as always Moffat's script was the key to the whole thing. My only problems were that Amy and Rory really didn't do much(as the reviewer noted), that we never really felt the tension of the

Actually, I retract my defense. My comment sucked. You win. I will now accept the fifteen yard penalty and year of heckling that comes with that fail.

Still in high school when it came out, so I had to review it for my newspaper class. Worst.Assignment.Ever.

^Thanks for pointing out the stupidest thing I've ever said. I think I meant to type "has it occurred to anyone on the production" but that doesn't make it any less stupid.

Will "Welcome to Earf" Smith vs. Mark "We're not assholes" Wahlberg.

I'd sit through ANY movie five times through if it meant I could forget Meet the Spartans. That movie was so bad I genuinely felt like it was made specifically to make me hate every movie that has ever been made for fear of it turning into a shitty parody movie.

@Chopin Broccoli
No, not nearly as stupid as that, but that had a few decent songs.
"This totally isn't the ending, we've got three false climaxes to go" is a personal favorite of mine. I jam to that song every day on my way to work. Incidentally, Peter North jams to that while he's at work.

I think it's one of those fancy "render" things. What of…I couldn't tell you. I think Spidey is preventing the Grinch from stealing a mannequin from the mall, but I'm really not sure. I am sure of the fact that it gave me a migraine, so I assume it's bad news, whatever it is.

Insert pun, that was actually what I was thinking. Incidentally, what gives Tyler Perry the right of put his name in front of shit anyway? I thought that was an earned right. I mean, it's stupid as hell no matter what, but don't you have to make something good before you can go all "Insert name here's insert title"

Which goes a long way to explaining why it's such a stupid title. Has it also occurred to anyone that it's a stupid play to begin with? Seriously, this whole thing is stupid.

Whovian, I'm not actually trying to be a gimmick poster. I find the whole idea of them to be sort of pointless, but if you would like to make a Doctor Who gimmick account by all means go for it. You couldn't be any worse than half of the gimmicks floating around the comments.

More of the lead poisoning. Fan-freakin'-tastic. Well, I guess I better go wait for Ood Sigma.

That better not be you, Smith. Come up with your own catchphrases ya' lazy punk. Regenerations to day, I tell ya'.