
9)The Director is holding me at gunpoint and forcing me to endure it. Right now I'm actually thinking about just letting him shoot me, since it would probably hurt a lot less.

Yeah, it does kind of help when the characters and world in your awesome 3D movie don't feel very, very 2D.
Also, there are two reasons that Inception wasn't gay as shit
1)It's exposition was delivered in sequences that were actually not horrible to watch and
2)When all of the exposition was done, it spent the rest of

Wait, if this film is just "reality", then if I upchuck while watching it will it hit Sam Worthington in his stupid blue face? Because if so I'm already sold.


So tight, that has got to be the only way any of this makes sense, and it still doesn't make this movie sound less awful.

Sir, why have you NOT sent a screenplay based on this idea to someone? Seriously, this movie would make more money than Avatar.

Well, not here, no. In Japan that shit's going to be a blockbuster.

Who the Hell is Alex Pettyfer?
Given the title I expected Tom Baker. I am extremely disappointed now.

But is Ryan Murphy as much of a douche as Bono?

Wow, I meant Julie Taymor. Whatever, Stacy doesn't need mainstream acceptance either.

Nah, makes too much sense to be JMS. Besides, isn't he busy walking the earth and ruining DC books now?

It's okay though, because Gwen Stacy is so cool that she doesn't need to be accepted by the mainstream, man.

Wait, white people DON'T run like hell when shit goes down?

I support this cause. You have my Sonic Screwdriver.

As of 2006 the average height for an american woman is 5'4'' or so, so it sort of depends on if she qualifies as short at 5'1''

No you just have to be a minority. No, I do not know what minority Kristen Bell is a member of.

Or in middle aged women's sexual fantasies.

@Geddy Lee Marvin
I think it's a club for women who took up murder after trying to read his other books. Just a guess, though.

I'd say Sassy, but since it's joined with smart by a hyphen I don't know what to tell you. Guess you gotta' go for both at the same time.

dammit,wrong thread!