
And yes, lead poisoning is also the reason that post is a grammatical nightmare. Glad I could help you understand what these damn glasses do to you. If you'll pardon me, I have to go throw up a chunk of my liver.

In retrospect, maybe getting a different brand of novelty cup is what made George Lucas think Ewoks themselves were a good idea.

But all of the faded labels just add to the flavor when some of it inevitably lands in your glass.

Yes, xochi, and you should be very ashamed of yourself. And very dead.

If he was in there I didn't see him. Then again, Bloom always tends to blend in with the scenery, so whatever. Best way to find out, rewatch it and find the prick in question. If he's showing a genuine emotion he's NOT Orlando Bloom. If his eyebrows are sort of…I dunno, furrowed in a confused/angry/sad face, let me

Yeah, honestly the third Pirates is part of the unholy summer of 3rds that was 2007, so Stranger Tides is going to have to do more than look okay to get me on board(hardy fucking har har). The second movie was stupid as all hell, and the third was a convoluted mess, but I have to admit I'm cautiously optimistic about

Or he's afraid of them. Or both. Either way, life needs more ARMORED FUCKING POLAR BEARS.

Do people in real life just walk away from you when they realize what a fucking loser you are? And what exactly are you trying to accomplish here, really? If I'm so boring, then why are you wasting time trying to insult me? Seriously, I don't care if you think I'm boring, and you don't really get much out of telling

Only in people who can't stand reading more than one sentence. Oh shit, here's a second one.

Well, in this market, yeah, realty does suck…

At least the last Transformers movie
Waited until it was in theaters to disappoint me. Seriously, I'm normally the most forgiving nerd on the planet, and I'll give damn near any movie a chance, but fuck it, I have absolutely no interest in this. This trailer does not make me excited, and the only thing it's done is

Cliffy, I'm stealing those last two sentences and taking them to a tea party rally just to see what kind of response it gets. I expect either stunned silence or some long winded answer that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

Other more manly genres I didn't cover:Rap. Because I watch Doctor Who, seriously, do you think I listen to a lot of Jay-Z? I can't honestly say I've listened to any rap album this year other than MBDTF, at least in it's entirety. I heard a little bit of Lil' Wayne's "I Am Not A Human Being" at a party and didn't like

absolutepunk.net, sorry, my apologies. absolutepunk.com gives you this weird online dating site. Whatever, I haven't used it in ages since it has terrible reviewers and even worse news. My point is, the AV Club as a whole seems to have more of an indie rock bent to it than anything, so you're sort of barking up the

Seriously, bad riffs are bad. Also, come on, you're talking on the AV Club, this is hardly absolutepunk.com, check the list, like half of the music is mellow indie rock. It's like being the one guy at the Silversun Pickups concert bitching about how the music isn't BADASS enough. If I'd heard a great hard rock album

But it's NOT the best album of the year, that's the problem, and that's what annoys me. I'm sick of this site and every other site jumping on the bandwagon and declaring it some great work that is going to define a generation or some shit. It's a good album, but that's ALL that it is. And I'm sorry, there are big

Actually, that makes a lot of sense. I still have to wonder if his previous role as the Doctor didn't help Jackson decide to cast him. I hope it did, because it makes me wonder if Tom Baker is going to randomly pop up when he inevitably decides to try to make a movie out of the Silmarillion(now THERE'S a lost cause).

I have to give you credit, that actually made me laugh a little bit. Now people in the library are looking at me funny. Thanks for that.

I agree, especially since a lot of artists in Kanye's position would aim for the lowest common denominator and just coast on O.K songs instead of trying to do something big, but I don't know, something about MBDTF just didn't work for me. Maybe it's some of my personal feelings about Kanye, maybe it's just my taste in

Seriously though, I can't even get a standard AV Club insult? CancerAIDS, something witty, a gimmick, nothing? I mean seriously, making a dick with keyboard symbols is youtube level man. I expect better from AVC hecklers.