J Serious and the War Machine

It came out yesterday(?), so I'm sure it will make the list next week.

I'm cool with any music festival as long as there's really good acid.

Penn Badgely? Somebody get this guy a Philly cop show!

You got a face like a flower, SouthofHeaven—cauliflower!!!

Not great, but not bad
And certainly better than Little Britain. Not really an appointment show for me.

Yeeeeaaaah, if you could get that to me by tomorrooooow, that would be greeeeeeeaaaaaat.

Planking: it ain't just for conditioning core muscles anymore!


I love Ocean's 11. It's one of those 'drop everything' movies where even though I own the DVD and have seen it a hundred times, I must watch it to completion if it's on TV.

Cough syrup and Hawaiian Punch? I believe that's called "robo-sippin'".

Michael Buble and Jay Reatard.

I just want to say I'm in total agreement with ZMF's assessment of Jackie Brown's ownage. I fucking love that movie.


Nope. From here, though, Winters is near!

Kawen Fiwippewi.

Quirkily promiscuous.

I'll drink to that!

One plus two equals McGuirk. Two plus four equals she's hot. Six minus four equals McGuirk's happy.

Life sucks, Brendon. That's your lesson. Go enjoy it.