Tom the Dog

Seemed to me the narrator misled us when Chuck got knocked out of the belltower, saying she was taking the secret to her grave — did I hear that correctly, right before the commercial? Of course, she didn't die, but it got me to wondering… if she does die again, and Ned resurrects her again — is that the

Good riddance to Francis Capra, the least convincingly menacing "thug" since Fonzie.

Hey Bennett

I have to say, this episode felt like a placeholder, an inessential space filler. A few laughs but overall pretty weak. And Philbin's terrible ham acting really torpedoed an already shaky ep.

Ohh, Noel. Noel, Noel, Noel. Linda Blair? That of course was Donna Wilkes as the legendary Angel (High School Student By Day. Hollywood Hooker By Night). Come on.

My first: I bought two cassettes at the same time at Blue Sky Music in Ojai. And of course I was 13, because I guess everyone was. The first was ZZ Top's Eliminator, and the other was Weird Al in 3-D. I regret nothing.

Don't know why I know this
Perrey Reeves was dating Duchovny at the time, so that explains that casting choice.

Holy craparoni, that is a lot of votes.

tease this
I don't even watch the opening credits teasers anymore, ever since they gave away #6 Gina detonating the nuclear bomb and wiping out a number of ships in the fleet. Thanks for that, jackasses! And forget about the final credits teasers! If I had seen the D'Anna/Roslin bit from last week before reading about

answer to every question
Who are bands that have never been in my kitchen?

Come to Austin. It should be about time for the 5th Indy movie by then (starring a 40-year-old Shia LaBeouf). I'll treat you to a viewing at the Alamo Drafthouse.

Asaad Kelada
HA! Awesome. I also am very familiar with Mr. Kelada's work, Noel. Primarily from WKRP, for which he directed some of the best episodes.

i may be exaggerating slightly
I have often maintained that Mama's Family is not just the worst TV show of all time, it is the worst ANYTHING, EVER. If Hitler and Caligula had a baby that raped your mother and killed your father, Mama's Family would still be worse.

great post, great movie
I've long defended this moment, which many people who seem to otherwise love the movie still single out for derision (such as in Richard Schickel's commentary for the DVD, for crying out loud!). I think if you can't get pleasure from witnessing Dino and Ricky in this scene, you lack a certain

tyrol's flip-out
I read Tyrol's meltdown in front of Adama as a deliberate (or semi-deliberate, at least) move on his part. I think he felt that his Cylon programming was causing him to sabotage his own ships, and he felt the only way to be taken out of his current position of power — permanently, rather than a

no not the soccer movie
I have similar problems explaining my love for the movie Kicking and Screaming. No, not the mediocre Will Ferrell/Robert Duvall kiddie comedy! The debut film from writer/director Noah Baumbach, dammit!!!

don't let your grief become anger
I kind of thought Ben was talking about his daughter with that line, rather than Annie. Especially if, as you acknowledge may be the case, Ben's time off-island actually occurred in the middle of the battle, while the hurt from Alex's death is still fresh.

I missed your hair
All hail Cobie! Hot damn, she was rocking that Nerf football. And I have to admit, the show had me with the fakeout bluff at the Robin/Barney hook-up, only to spring an actual hook-up at the last second. Well played, show. Can't wait to see what happens now!

Cobie's reactions
You always give due praise to Cobie Smulders, and I'm always with you on it. Some of my favorite moments in the show are when she sits next to Barney at the bar, and plays off his craziness. My favorite of her reactions in this episode was when Barney screams "SURROUNDED BY IDIOTS!!!" right into her

What flash forwards are you talking about, Noel? I remember seeing Marshall far off in the future in a couple of episodes, and he looked like he was rich and still a lawyer, but I don't remember any suggestion he was miserable or had compromised his values or was screwed up in any way. Am I forgetting stuff?