Tom the Dog

I just read the article too — apparently my question was "pointed." I was just curious! I wasn't trying to stir up any trouble, I swear!

I was at the Community PaleyFest. I was the guy who asked the Barenaked Ladies question. Excellent panel, though I was bummed Allison Brie and Donald Glover were no-shows. And yes, the show was funnier with a crowd (but still pretty awesome the second time).

Creepy Photographer
We're all aware that the creepy photographer was the Web Redemption guy from Tosh.0 a couple weeks ago? Brian Atene?

I remember the show with the Billy Joel song, too, Noel. Had to play it while reading the article. Shame they couldn't pony up on the DVD even for a song so integral to the mood of an entire episode.

When everyone is trying to guess Annie's crush, Pierce says "Optimus Prime," but the caption reads "Mud Flaps." Did someone decide at the last minute that Mud Flaps was too obscure a Transformer name to use, but forget to send the updated script to the caption people?

God damn you I am going to watch "The Body" on Netflix right now and I am going to be heartbroken all because of you Noel.

Fade to Black
After watching the Top Ten Worst Movie Cliches over at Videocracy (http://www.avclub.com/video… I couldn't help but count the number of times this trailer used the "Fade/Cut To Black Between Shots" cliche. I counted 73 but I might have missed some. Try watching it now and NOT being distracted by that

I second the Petra Haden recommendation. Very strange but worthwhile listening. She performs the entire album a capella, down to replicating the musical instruments with her voice.

Gotta be Won't Get Fooled Again. To me Daltrey's scream = rock and roll, plain and simple. Even if it has been nearly Carusoed to death.

Count me as a fan as well. It's not deep or groundbreaking, the stakes are never high, but it's always enjoyable and often hilarious. The best comparison I can think of is CORNER GAS. Both shows specialize in a similar low-key affability. I just get a kick out of being around these funny, likeable characters and

I still miss Lucky. John Corbett, Ever Carradine, Craig Robinson pre-Office… that was a great, hilarious show that died way too soon.

Also, what's the deal with Don Reo and Mayim Bialik? He produced BLOSSOM, then got her to play Larroquette's daughter on THE JOHN LARROQUETTE SHOW, and finally there's TIL DEATH. It's like he's the Six to her Blossom. Almost makes me wonder if he's somehow part of bringing her in to THE BIG BANG THEORY.

Don Reo
I recognize Don Reo's name from THE JOHN LARROQUETTE SHOW, another show which went to incredibly weird, sitcom-subverting places because nobody was watching it. But did it in a much funnier and more compelling fashion. Man, I wish that show were on DVD!

Or maybe I could suggest a song sung from the crazy person's POV rather than a song ABOUT a crazy person. You know, like the fricking article is actually about. Fortunately, Warren Zevon still works — take "Splendid Isolation," sung from the POV of a Howard Hughes/Michael Jackson-style eccentric who's phobic about any

No "Excitable Boy"?? But you hipsters at the AV Club LOVE Warren Zevon! (So do I.)

Jungle Lady
I was a little disturbed to discover that the super hot snake handler lady was Margo Harshman, Shia LaBeouf's little girlfriend from Even Stevens, all growed up. Yikes! She turned out all kinds of all right, as creepy as that makes me feel to admit it.

That is an amazing review of someone whose music I deeply admire. Way to encapsulate a muscial career in eloquence I could never achieve. Awesome post, Noel.

After that, start on the numerals
Should've named them alphabetically instead of all J, that way they'd be good up to 26. Ooh, but maybe they want more than 26. See, there's my problem, I'm not thinking ahead to 27 children like they were.

I totally had that "Don't Blame Me, I Voted For Bill & Opus" T-shirt back in college. I wish to hell I still had it. Not that it would fit, but still.

Digby is the real test. I imagine his death (if possible) would be a precursor to the ultimate test with Chuck. 20 years is not impossible for a dog, but it's hitting the limits, which suggests Digby's (potential) passing might not be too far off.