Adm Naismith

It was delivered to Freddie out of the blue in an manila envelope discretely marked 'House Of Lords'.  It happened in the scrum leading up to the broadcast with the Egyptian guy.
Clearly Lord Elms sent it to Freddie after he asked about the camera his crew was using.

I stopped watching G4 when it took over TechTV and then threw out everything that was TechTV. Except for X-play, which was not thrown out so I tuned in for that for a few years after (ahh, Drunk Link and Bitter Jack Kirby, I'll miss you). X-Play is still good game criticism.
Still, why is G4 showing COPS and

Without 'Coming At You' moments, what is the piont of 3-d movies?  I understand these are little baby steps towards realizing holodecks, but 3-d adds almost nothing to a movie.
I saw UP and Coraline in 3-d (oh, and the Tron sequel). It was pleasant, but the opening of UP needs nothing extra to make my bawl my eyes

Another excellent performance from Dean Norris in the DEA scene.

If HEROES hadn't tarnished the mutant/superhero genre for a generation, I might like this more than I do.  To me it doesn't feel like bright,shiny consequential TV yet.

If nothing else, the insurance company is going to get suspicious, what with having to pay out to keep fixing trucks with bullet holes.

That want to all kinds of crazy and back. Never mind that McCleod was the last of his kind before finding out that he simply was not the last of his kind.

The Bugaloos is truly repulsive television. S & K's other output was fine to tolerable.

League of Gentlemen…
…is the only thing I've ever seem that made horror and comedy work on both levels.

OK, so it's cribbing from LOST and BSG
But what show isn't at the moment?
I was glad to see Julius behind bars, but I was also interest in what the deal was with the Host Force and who was on the Transport.

Babylon 5 = Lost
Say what you will about LOST being one long narrative or not, but Babylon 5 did attempt that very thing and succeeded rather handily.

I may have to go back and watch this again.

A Gerry Anderson Production. One of his first forays out of the puppet biz.

Just watched this July 2011
'…less a throwback to the romantic comedies of the late '50s and early '60s than one left vacuum-sealed for future use.' is the perfect description.

Kozmo- so true.

Everyone knew they were on the bubble, so the montage at the end of the final ep was either preview of things to come or a glimpse of future we would otherwise not get to see.

That Beige Box Set is good, but not complete. There are 6 individual Bebop albums, but you can probably skip the remix album.
-Cowboy Bebop
-No Disc
-2-disc movie O.S.T.- Knockin on Heaven's Door

If the zombie apocalypse really is like the Walking Dead and all we do is stand around sqabbling with our husbands and wives, just bite/infect me now.
I'll probably be watching season 2 of TWD, but lordy stop with the soap opera sh*t.

More creepy Mo-Cap? Yuck
It it's a cartoon, just let it look like a cartoon. As I recall, the comics had a pretty singular style, even if it was line-drawing simple.

Presumably the guy already works on-air…
Granted, the open audition gave him the space to go quickly from local DJ to national spokesman/voice talent, but still…this is like saying Cinderella was already a minor princess with a small kingdom of her own.