Adm Naismith

MadTV would run 'Classic Schetches' now and again. It always felt to me like thay subbed in a sure-fire sketch that when the show was running short that week for lack of good material.

This show sounds a lot like Grimm. A LOT like Grimm.

Cranston appeared in B5. He played a Ranger sent on a suicide mission by Sheridan- season 5, or late seson 4. Cranston had 2 short scenes on a viewscreen.

I heard 'cut'.

I thought at the end of the last ep Nolan was already dating both of the sisters (after we were shown the E-reps two husbands), and they were being enlightened, post-arkfall adults about it.

'…A 29-year-old going only by "John Doe" now says that Clash—as he allegedly did with his second accuser, Cecil Singleton—picked him up on a gay chat line when he was just 16,…'

'…A 29-year-old going only by "John Doe" now says that Clash—as he allegedly did with his second accuser, Cecil Singleton—picked him up on a gay chat line when he was just 16,…'

This ep has the most memorable line in the whole series- 'Babes don't cost money, they make money.  Especially the little white ones.'
That, and the opening scene with Noblet and Jellinek.

This ep has the most memorable line in the whole series- 'Babes don't cost money, they make money.  Especially the little white ones.'
That, and the opening scene with Noblet and Jellinek.

In the real world, Tracy Morgan still hasn't properly apologized for being a rank homophobe.

I tried to watch this, but everything Abrams wrote above is absolutely true.

Fieri is also a raging homophobe.  He never want's none o' them gays around him.  He was barely tolerable before I knew that.  Now he is banished from my TV screen.

I know, it's like, when you want cheese, you call Jerry the Pool Boy.

Frakes was fine.  It was the sub-Spy Kids concept/script that undid Thunderbirds.
Why was everyone trapped on the space station the whole time?  Its called 'Thinderbirds', not Thunderbird',

Lee Majors

Right, I just don't see a large enough audience for this if it's at all accurate.

'…while this is Desperate Housewives meets hokey Merlin miniseries.'

Me Too!!

FF was like a warm bath of nuttyness.  It was oddly comforting to watch.

That's the story of 'The Yearling'?  Holy sh… I'm traumatized just reading that.