Doug S.

Unlike Bowie, though, Ocean might actually be gay.

Unlike Bowie, though, Ocean might actually be gay.

Reason to not watch the 3-hour version: You don't have to hear new dubbing from audibly decrepit versions of Eastwood and Wallach, apparently recorded in a closet, and from some guy not doing a very good job of pretending to be Van Cleef.

Reason to not watch the 3-hour version: You don't have to hear new dubbing from audibly decrepit versions of Eastwood and Wallach, apparently recorded in a closet, and from some guy not doing a very good job of pretending to be Van Cleef.

The drop in quality between 2 & 3 was pretty spectacular. 3 has one of the shittiest, hackiest scripts ever for a big-budget movie that wasn't directed by Michael Bay. Nothing in the story happens organically. It's just a string of ludicrous deus ex machinas. Sure, you expect a bit of that from a superhero movie -

The drop in quality between 2 & 3 was pretty spectacular. 3 has one of the shittiest, hackiest scripts ever for a big-budget movie that wasn't directed by Michael Bay. Nothing in the story happens organically. It's just a string of ludicrous deus ex machinas. Sure, you expect a bit of that from a superhero movie -

Yeah, fuck that guy. It's not just that every character speaks in his voice, but that a lot of the dialogue barely even counts as dialogue. It's just a monologue he could've written for his standup show, with a different character delivering every couple of paragraphs.

Yeah, fuck that guy. It's not just that every character speaks in his voice, but that a lot of the dialogue barely even counts as dialogue. It's just a monologue he could've written for his standup show, with a different character delivering every couple of paragraphs.

If the narration is just there because the filmmaker has underestimated the audience, though, the film probably sucks with or without narration.

If the narration is just there because the filmmaker has underestimated the audience, though, the film probably sucks with or without narration.

Believe it or not, the script for Sith was actually hugely improved from the drafts. Lucas finally had the sense to cut a lot of waffly crap and focus on the action. Most of the dialogue still needed to be rewritten by someone with an ear for actual human speech, but as a story it works pretty well.

Believe it or not, the script for Sith was actually hugely improved from the drafts. Lucas finally had the sense to cut a lot of waffly crap and focus on the action. Most of the dialogue still needed to be rewritten by someone with an ear for actual human speech, but as a story it works pretty well.

I think good narration is always somewhat unnecessary - if the film would still work without it, that's a sign that the narration is actually adding something, and isn't just there to patch over cracks in the storytelling. Well, except in the case of something like Bladerunner, where it's a sign that the producers

I think good narration is always somewhat unnecessary - if the film would still work without it, that's a sign that the narration is actually adding something, and isn't just there to patch over cracks in the storytelling. Well, except in the case of something like Bladerunner, where it's a sign that the producers

If we had the Internet in 1985:

If we had the Internet in 1985:

Hmm … maybe it's because Western liberals feel justifiably guilty about being the direct beneficiaries of hundreds of years of colonial exploitation of indigenous people, and are therefore likely to focus on the fact that, half a century after we were all supposed to have figured out that colonialism is some fucked up

Hmm … maybe it's because Western liberals feel justifiably guilty about being the direct beneficiaries of hundreds of years of colonial exploitation of indigenous people, and are therefore likely to focus on the fact that, half a century after we were all supposed to have figured out that colonialism is some fucked up

I think the show fell apart pretty quickly once Mike Scully was the showrunner.

I think the show fell apart pretty quickly once Mike Scully was the showrunner.