Doug S.

"In my opinion, it's impossible to truly measure experiences to the point
where we can objectively say that one demographic has it "worse" than

Right, but 'rad-fems that call for the extermination of men and boys' don't actually exist. Or if they do, there's like five of them and they're certifiably mentally ill. Whereas most MRAs I've seen routinely express deeply ugly, misogynist views. The whole concept of men being so oppressed that they need their own

"Which "real" MRAs?" Uhh, the one's that I see in comment threads, routinely claiming that violence against men, psychological or otherwise, is a bigger problem than violence against women. People aren't 'assuming' that that's what MRAs are claiming. That's a thing that MRAs themselves say all the time. Seriously,

Real MRAs get all whiny about any article about domestic violence against women, because it's ignoring the much bigger of problem of women's psychological violence against men. That 'psychological violence' presumably being the way their wives all left them because they're a bunch of fucking nutbags.

Wait, why is the AV Club posting McDonald's ads as news? Is business doing that badly?

I thought that in The Conversation, that part of the recorded conversation was garbled, and the different versions you hear are Hackman's interpretations of the recording.

Because the guy has released some really good records that hardly anyone's heard.

I think the part where she was paying professional musicians in some cities is a pretty good sign that it's an actual professional gig.

I think the part where she was paying professional musicians in some cities is a pretty good sign that it's an actual professional gig.

She specifically asked for professional string and horn players, who would have to rehearse first. Which sounds exactly like work.

She specifically asked for professional string and horn players, who would have to rehearse first. Which sounds exactly like work.

This list could use some Murder She Wrote:

This list could use some Murder She Wrote:

Gravediggaz - Diary of a madman

Gravediggaz - Diary of a madman

Dark Knight is an example of a modern film that hugely benefits from heavy use practical effects. Part of the reason it works as a thriller is that the action scenes actually look like they're taking place in something like the real world, so the stakes seem higher.

Huge missed opportunity in not just recycling that character for Total Recall.

Huge missed opportunity in not just recycling that character for Total Recall.

bowiesongs.wordpress.com is a must-read for any Bowie obsessive. Even at the moment while he's slogging through Tin Machine II.

bowiesongs.wordpress.com is a must-read for any Bowie obsessive. Even at the moment while he's slogging through Tin Machine II.