Doug S.

Meh. It's not a great episode, and it showed they were running out of ideas, but it's still written in the classic style of the show - tells a proper story, has actual jokes, the characters (including Skinner) still behave like themselves. It's the first instance of the retconning that would plague the later seasons,

Meh. It's not a great episode, and it showed they were running out of ideas, but it's still written in the classic style of the show - tells a proper story, has actual jokes, the characters (including Skinner) still behave like themselves. It's the first instance of the retconning that would plague the later seasons,

Homer is more of an asshole than usual in Homer's Enemy, but it's still true to the classic version of the character, in that his assholishness is mostly unintentional. He does stupid, terrible things, but without thinking about them, so he can still be a somewhat sympathetic character. One of the things that killed

Homer is more of an asshole than usual in Homer's Enemy, but it's still true to the classic version of the character, in that his assholishness is mostly unintentional. He does stupid, terrible things, but without thinking about them, so he can still be a somewhat sympathetic character. One of the things that killed