
I imagined your voice reading me that comment while pushing the taped glasses back up the ridge of your nose.

I imagined your voice reading me that comment while pushing the taped glasses back up the ridge of your nose.

Are you being sarcastic? What does this mean?! Yes, that prick Weiner forced them to put an ending on a show instead of it becoming the meth version of Dr. Who?

Are you being sarcastic? What does this mean?! Yes, that prick Weiner forced them to put an ending on a show instead of it becoming the meth version of Dr. Who?

Yes! Next to Hank trying to get into the RV, that was the most tense I've ever felt watching the show, and the fact it was so mundane only added to the tension. I wasn't expecting anything violent but I knew the show was ending, along with season, and something was about to spoil the "getting out".

Yes! Next to Hank trying to get into the RV, that was the most tense I've ever felt watching the show, and the fact it was so mundane only added to the tension. I wasn't expecting anything violent but I knew the show was ending, along with season, and something was about to spoil the "getting out".

With all respect, the MPDG comparison is completely unnecessary in this write up. She had glasses and messy short hair? That's all it takes now? I suppose you could read into it however you wish, that's the beauty to parts of 'Louie'. Perhaps you read her as that type but even further down the unmedicated line than

With all respect, the MPDG comparison is completely unnecessary in this write up. She had glasses and messy short hair? That's all it takes now? I suppose you could read into it however you wish, that's the beauty to parts of 'Louie'. Perhaps you read her as that type but even further down the unmedicated line than

Family hits don't quite fit in thematically. If family members die, it will be a direct blow back from a decision Walt has made, but even that wont happen till later. Plus, the show is in the location it is in, it isn't going to turn into a 'Walt on the run' series, as fun as that may be. I'm not going to act like I

Family hits don't quite fit in thematically. If family members die, it will be a direct blow back from a decision Walt has made, but even that wont happen till later. Plus, the show is in the location it is in, it isn't going to turn into a 'Walt on the run' series, as fun as that may be. I'm not going to act like I

Was that a fly I heard buzzing around the burnt lab? Incinerate away, some loose ends you can't get rid of.

Was that a fly I heard buzzing around the burnt lab? Incinerate away, some loose ends you can't get rid of.

So Maher made this goofy joke once and Brady googles his name so much that he feels the need to mention the same old reference? I assume it is once, as I watch 'Real Time' and most of Maher's specials and I can't recall him referring to Brady at all.

So Maher made this goofy joke once and Brady googles his name so much that he feels the need to mention the same old reference? I assume it is once, as I watch 'Real Time' and most of Maher's specials and I can't recall him referring to Brady at all.

You live up to your name. Obviously, you do not watch Maher's show. I wouldn't even know where to begin with the ignorance of your post. Read a list of his guests in the last year. I've never heard him once hide behind being a comedian. Your ignorance can easily hide behind being an anonymous internet poster all day

You live up to your name. Obviously, you do not watch Maher's show. I wouldn't even know where to begin with the ignorance of your post. Read a list of his guests in the last year. I've never heard him once hide behind being a comedian. Your ignorance can easily hide behind being an anonymous internet poster all day

Because when other people see the name Verve Pipe they think of a different song?

Because when other people see the name Verve Pipe they think of a different song?

Shocking as it may be to someone who writes a post this long on an internet message board, art is subjective. I respect what you are saying here (despite the vitriol towards Dunham in your absurd, possibly jealous, last paragraph), but the show seems well aware of the obvious tropes you are pointing out and presents

Shocking as it may be to someone who writes a post this long on an internet message board, art is subjective. I respect what you are saying here (despite the vitriol towards Dunham in your absurd, possibly jealous, last paragraph), but the show seems well aware of the obvious tropes you are pointing out and presents