
I first saw the purity tests around 91 or 92 so I was just past high school - but it's true that all the guys wanted to come off as having had all these wild experiences and the girls wanted to be just short of "prude" (at least among people I worked with and hung out with).

"Coming Up on Alias…"
Something that really appealed to me when Alias first aired was the "Don't touch that dial!" spots they would have at commercial breaks. The would show a few seconds of what would be happening in the next ten minutes of the show after the commercial. Normally I despise spoilers (one for Time Will

This was the episode that really sucked me in when the show first came on. I missed the first few eps so I can't remember if this was the first one I saw but I think it was close. A few years back I started to rewatch season one with a girlfriend who had never seen the show - she liked it but after Time Will Tell she

I'd pick Head Over Heels. The video has the best example of 80s "Go-Gos dancing" you'll ever see. Plus a one-shouldered sweatshirt AND someone wearing a proto-Kill Bill (or, retro Bruce Lee) yellow jacket!

No mention of Rush Hour?
She looked like she was having blast with those dolphins. Nothing to do with the song, but did *any* 80s video have anything to do with the song?

"I thought Ryan Reynolds made for a great Hal. All smarmy and arrogant."

Mr Greene - the funny thing was that he was in no way uncomfortable around gay people, although he did tend to get star-struck very easily. I'll assume that his mind just got blown by this guy he idolized being really nice to him :-)

Tom Baker changed my preconceptions of "leading men"
When I was younger all of the shows that I had watched had featured square-jawed heroes as the leading men, and it was always those characters that all the young guys wanted to be when they grew up. When I was 13 I saw an announcement on PBS that they had just

I never understood why people thought Carvey was funny - like Jon Lovitz and Martin Short, I though Carvey carried enough mannerisms, vocal cadences, and facial expressions that as different as all of his characters were they were always "him".

My (possibly faulty) recollection was that Pertwee's Doctor called her Sarah Jane and Baker's Doctor called her Sarah.

I was surprised that the actor who played Logan didn't go on to bigger and better things - other than a supporting role on some bad vampire show he pretty much disappeared. At least I thought he did until I saw him on an episode of a CSI or some similar type show. For the first half of the ep I kept thinking "this guy

The problem with Canadian TV…
I often hear people talking about Canadian TV and how it tries to copy what's hot in the US…or how they try to "un-Canadian-ize" the shows so you might think they take place in an American city…but there are Canadian shows that are clearly set in Canada.

The problem with Canadian TV…
I often hear people talking about Canadian TV and how it tries to copy what's hot in the US…or how they try to "un-Canadian-ize" the shows so you might think they take place in an American city…but there are Canadian shows that are clearly set in Canada.

DeNiro in Ronin was awesome. I can't believe that it was originally suposed to be Alec Baldwin. I would have loved a second movie with Deniro and Reno returning as those characters.

Three Kings
Someone mentioned this film in reference to Kelly's Heroes. I remember that during the hyper-nationalist buildup to the invasion of Iraq I said to a friend "I guess no one will ever make any money for TV rights to Three Kings now". To this day I've never seen it advertised as airing on TV, not even on a

Three Kings
Someone mentioned this film in reference to Kelly's Heroes. I remember that during the hyper-nationalist buildup to the invasion of Iraq I said to a friend "I guess no one will ever make any money for TV rights to Three Kings now". To this day I've never seen it advertised as airing on TV, not even on a

That asylum was pretty bleak
I remember that this was when the show changed from being a fun (though complex) show into something even more…you didn't see things like Syd trapped in Bucharest in other shows at the time. Kind of a down way to spend a night in front of the TV.

I got used to Abrams (or Alias) using the "songs & slow-mo" sledgehammer approach to build emotion so I mostly give it a pass. But that Sarah McLachlan song has been so over-used in the last ten years that it's become "that song". I'm guessing it played better ten years ago when it was first used.

"Who are you to correct nature?"
Yes, all those asshole doctors playing god by taking out rupturing appendixes instead of letting nature take its course…

When I read the article I was trying to picture Morgan saying these things - as someone with a VERY dry sense of humour I appreciate that delivery means a lot. I can kind of understand *if* he was adopting the persona of an idiot as a way of skewering him and his views (something Steve Martin can do quite well