
Male fraud!

Male fraud!

When I first saw the preview I was waiting for it to do the “scratched record” sound and turn into a preview for a comedy film. But then the preview kept going…and going…as I said to the gf after it was over “That looked like a parody of Speilberg film”.

I see this film in a theatre every Xmas and damn if I don’t cry like a bitch every time. Sometimes I can hold it in until Harry says “To my big brother George – the richest man in town!” but I just can’t make it past that point with dry eyes.
Over the years I’ve taken many people who haven’t ever seen the film (!) or

I quite enjoyed the holiday special although I thought the laugh-track gag was too aggressive to be funny (I would have held it back until the Luke Skywalker/Han Solo bit). As someone who can (barely) remember reruns of that type of show I was enjoying it unironically.
A friend of mine despises Glee because, hey,

She looked quite lovely in a couple of recent pictures that I saw. Perhaps the way she looks on BE is not the way she normally looks..? I've not seen the show so I'm just guessing and/or chivalrously defending her…

So having never watched Leverage is it worth my time as a pleasant time-waster? I'd assumed that it was an American rip-off of Hustle - anyone confirm that? Or is it more of an "inspired by" than a rip-off?

Joyce Hyser ripping her shirt open at the end = not a terrible, terrible movie.


Agreed, there were some good meaty bits to this episode (no pun intended), none more so than the byplay between Gwen and Jack. Myles especially knocked it out of the park.

I can't decide which decision was worse…
Making this series 10 eps or hiring the director they did.

As a young teen I thought she was the cutest girl in the world. I kept waiting to see her in more things but…sigh.

I'm of the opinion that Miracle Day started well (what with all the "how would this *really* affect the world" examinations) and has started to get draggy. My guess is that it would work well (or, better) over 5 or 6 eps than 10. But time will tell. Hoping that Rex being a dick is intentional so we get some type of

"How weird to see a man who was an adult now appear younger than me. I know, I know, not the newest observation. But I'm just struck by it in this case more than any other I can remember."

I found the TVM terrible
I was very excited - but nervous - when the TVM was first announced. I shut it off after the first half hour or so, which was amazing for me at the time because I was still rather OCD and completist when it came to TV shows and movies.

I liked the Archie comics when I was a kid, but part of that was it was so clearly set in some classic Americana alternate timeline…but hey, I also liked old movies (like, ones that were in black and white!) when I was a kid. But interestingly, kids who grew up to be mechanics or fratboy dbags also liked Archie

I always think of Classic Who as being a kid's show that adults would watch with their children, and NuWho as being a show the whole family can watch and enjoy together. However, I haven't seen Classic Who as a teenager so I could be wrong…

Nope, another Gwen lover here. First, I love how the character went from wide-eyed newbie to competent agent who was really running Torchwood - an arc that was believeable.

Cyberwoman was one of the most embarassing hours of television I've ever seen. The only redeeming quality was when Rhys called Gwen in the middle of the rampage asking her to record Wife Swap! Sounds like a cheap joke but was so totally keeping in Rhys's character and the fact he had no idea what was going on.