
So we don't fall asleep from predictability.

I agree. It was also lessened by it not being the main group of kids that went in to rescue him.

I'm late to the party but just finished the season so here goes:

Discovered a quirky fun British film podcast Film Fandango. Two out of work actor/comedians talking about movies. It's not hilarious but it's very pleasant.

For a sequel spinoff I think they should call it something like World of Ice and Fire and each season tackle a different subject. Season 1: Robert's Rebellion, Season 2: Dunk & Egg, and hopefully by season 3 GRRM has given them more ideas.

He keeps failing upwards.

The first hour of Spy was the funniest movie I've seen in years. The rest wasn't bad either. I'd put it in the top 10 since 2000.

I'm still a little annoyed that he was made head of league of shadows over the much-cooler Nyssa. Not even a feminism thing, she was just more interesting.

Radcliffe is one of those actors where I can see him acting and it takes me out of his movies.

The first 8 episodes of Fringe season 3 were so confident and well written and directed, and then they just abandoned it and the show was never the same again. It was such a weird decision by whoever called that shot.

Well I think they deliberately gave enough vagueness so that people could believe something different if the idea bothered them. So in that sense, we are both right. Lena Headey recently said that the scenes involving the torture were originally MUCH worse than what aired but they went back and toned it down a lot

Oh right. I was thinking book 3.

It's probably someone who lasted a long while in the series since he talks about bigger budgets over time. Tywin checked out in season 3.

Part of what made the series so good was all the unknown/little known actors, it made the characters feel more real. So yeah I'm happy with the Thorne they picked.

The two-dicked Raven shows up asking where his cousin 3-eye went.

My guess is Alliser Thorne. He has the right look and personality.

It's an efffective cure for insomnia, I'll give it that.

Yes. I get that he's acclaimed and supposedly legendary in the theater. I'll just assume that's true. But man on screen he is dullness incarnate.

Rylance and Spielberg are not good for each other, they reinforce each other's most boring qualities.

I like Cersei more now than I ever did in the past. Which is not a lot but it's something now. I might be Team Cersei vs Dany. 100k Dothraki are not a good thing for Westeros. The thing about Cersei is she's only brutal to those who are in her way, she's not really just generally brutal as a matter of policy like a