
The problem for me with this series is they are trying too hard to force things to fit comic book canon. A good example is Barry and Iris. I get why they push it so hard but Barry had way more chemistry with Patty Spivot than he's ever had with Iris, and even more with Kara/Supergirl. There's no amount of

They are going to exist whether he's in them or not and I'm glad they cast someone I like to make them less annoying than with someone else.

Rachel Keller deserves a large share of the praise for this show, in addition to the more obvious people. Her role wasn't as flashy as others but it was vitally important.

He's handsome but in such a generic way I often forget what he looks like before I open articles like this.

Why put spoilers in headlines?

I love that Barney was a straight man. Too often these days there's this impatient desire to make every character wacky.

There was a period about 4 years ago where it seemed like you were not allowed to make a movie in the UK without a major role for Bill Nighy.

By the end of the season Logan came off better than William. He was right all along that William was going to get too drawn in.

I'm trying to think of any good straight characters on the show…. seems like everyone human is terrible other than possibly Stubbs but that's probably because we never got to know him.

Kinda looked like it. And when he was at his most ranting I half expected Jason Momoa to show up and pour gold down his throat.

The acting in this show is so good but the writing is often like out of a mediocre tv show from 1985. I'm speaking mainly of things like getting the call about who might be a villain just as you are in a room with that person, or going to the secret place alone to get dangerous info and of course we know what happens

This was a series I wanted to like due to liking spy and action in general and each season would try to get into it but usually it just didn't seem very good.

I mean of course they are, poor health plan and no 401k.

He expected to train a horse, and begrudgingly trained a refugee. But in the end it was his heart that got trained. Coming this fall from Oscarbait Flix Inc.

And more immediately, she basically confirmed she's not dying (or whatever you can do to robots, trash compact them?) this season.

I thought that about the pilot but every episode since has been an improvement.

I think Arnold is Ed Harris - somehow.

This was the first episode of the series so far that I felt involved in and cared about the characters. Bernard, E. R. Wood, and the two techs who were on the outdoor mission are of most inerest. The bland white hat good guy we're supposed to care about is boring. It's as if they got the guy they could find that

I don't know who "they" are in this case but some people do, sure.

I finally had a chance to see this. The first 20 minutes was A+ stuff, among the best Marvel tv I've seen. Around the time of the shooting incident with Dante and friends, it started to go into a less impressive period. I suspect this is a fantastic 2 hour movie bloated out to a season long arc.