
I don't really understand the internet obsession with Natalie Dormer. I don't dislike her but don't get why people are wowed by her.

Isn't it just a chart of the relationships between characters? And is Cersei not a huge important character? Writing it out like this makes it look like I am outraged or something - no it's not a big deal but I did find it odd.

The chart is about the relationships between major characters, not who is legitimate or not. Or am I taking crazy pills? And legally at least the two kids are legit, even if they shouldn't have been. Mainly I find it odd that Cersei was left off. I could sort of understand the kids due to this being more about older

The actor is Anton Lesser and he was also great in The Hour - which last time i checked was free on Amazon Prime.

Right, she'd be raped for several days till she died. That was the implication. Rape is what Gregor Clegane was famous for, and it fits with Cersei also pouring the wine in her face. She was giving the woman sex and alcohol in the worst possible way.

Yes the implication was she'd be raped to death.

Weird chart. Leaves out three monarchs. Cersei, Tommen and Joffrey.

Another campaign would feel like a retread at this point, as would pretty much everything other than another year of her just being president so I think it might be best for everything if they just end it now.

Yeah, I guess what I meant was he might be wishing that. I think he's falling for her a bit. Probably will lead to nothing but he seems to be starting to wish.

I got a vibe they were subtly hinting at Dany/Tyrion in their conversations. He kept looking at her a bit too intently, talking very closely and they made a point she'd need to marry someone with a name in Westeros - he might fit that bill at some point.

That sounds about right. Though at this point I'd rather be Sam than anyone else in the series, he has a safe place and a great girl.

Yes though to me Gilly is cuter than either of them.

And Varys got back to Dany quick. Looks like Littlefinger has started selling his jetpack he uses to get around the map so fast.

Yeah and I don't really like this direction for her, it's kind of depressing. Ned would be appalled too. My favorite Arya this season was the momentarily carefree happy girl watching the theater troupe.

They cut out the sweet moment where bloody bits of Margaery land near his smashed up body and they are together again.

I think GRRM sees Tyrion as his surrogate. Sam is a stand in for how he sees the book readers.

That comes with the mad scientist, as does the many hungry dangerous kids. Quite the package deal Qyburn offers.

The lesson here is you can achieve anything as long as you have a mad scientist, a zombie, and a candle.

Parts of her probably did, out various windows.

If only she had a bitter, clever guy with thousands of knights at his disposal to help her.