
I mean it's harmless I guess, nothing to be upset over, but not worth publishing either.

They should do an Office spinoff which follows the life of Pam and Angela, both now widows after Jim and Dwight accidentally killed each other during a prank battle.

I heard they copied Top Gun but I didn't realize it was that faithful.

I discovered Film Fandango, a quirky fun UK Film review podcast. Don't go into it with expectations of a lot of efficiency, it's just a rambling charming discussion.

Lyanna Stark - Baby Jon.

He was considered a pretty good Batman by fans. The writing was the issue.

One of the deleted scenes on the HBO site was Cersei talking to Qyburn
"Myr…. Myr-something."
"Oh yes that's right, and she was my what?"
"Ah yes. Well, shit."

His little birds are a bunch of hungry, poor kids. The implication is he sent them into the tunnels to find out about the wildfire, and that they found out it was all over the city, not just under the keep.

Poison the Freys and Jaime. If she appears at all.

Anyone else shipping Brianna Park and Hagar Shmarshmaryen?

The wall has a magic aspect that keeps the undead out. Some theorize Bran could unintentionally help them across in some way or the wall be brought down but as it stands now they are kept out.

Poor Edd. If this were Star Trek he'd also be overwhelmed by tribbles about now.

I still feel pretty sure every major player in King's Landing is going to die other than Cersei (And Qyburn if you consider him major). Cersei is the main living human antagonist to Team Stark, she has to become ascendant at this point in the story.

Well if they hadn't made the choices they did, we probably wouldn't have had Dunst on Fargo Season 2. So… kinda worth it.

They should make Bernice the face of their advertising with commercials of her explaining how to use it and how it wasn't too hard for her.

I've already reported you to Multi Colored Ducks of America for a similar issue. The FBI will be along shortly to get you both.

Her mother's daughter.

She's responsible for a lot of unnecessary deaths. If they'd coordinated with LF more openly and with Jon knowing and involved, it would have all been safer.

6 seasons and I think most viewers still have no idea what the Ramsay actor's name is.
"Because you love to hate him!"
"No, just can't be bothered with the pointless, one dimensional plot-armored character."
"But you love to can't be bothered-!"
"Just stop."