
This seems to be based on the Patrick Oster novel. So if you want to know more about it, you can read the blurb at amazon or elsewhere.

That's Percy from Black Adder though. We can't take him seriously.

The whole season is fanfiction at this point.

I expect Tormund will almost die but be saved by someone who will then turn out to be Brienne.

There was talk about it in season 1 by the hound to Sansa, as well as a clash between the two brothers at a jousting event. But since then they have recast the Gregor Clegane character so that now he looks nothing like the Hound in appearance or age so it's not surprising that some wouldn't realize they are brothers.

As someone who had been enjoying the new direction they'd gone in, I was a little disappointed to return to spy stuff.

It was funny how the episode just ignored that Cheryl is super-attractive.

A great two parter. I'm really enjoying this break from spy stuff, and the creative new direction they went in.

Not to mention taking a supporitng female role in Game of Thrones - talk about doomed.

I assumed Arya was getting the standard training, that the Waif already got and both would be equal in the dark.

We may have already seen old-Bran die a few episodes ago.

I think that's exactly it. In the absence of a 700 page novel to draw on the show is just becoming more of a tv show, simplified and trope-laden.

I kinda wish Lady Crane had lived more than Arya. That actress and role were really interesting, which is more than I can say for most of Arya's Braavos arc.

Don't get your hopes up too much, looks like they are going to do a predictable/routine cavalry comes to the rescue thing next.

Sounds like you are reading things into my post that weren't there. All I am saying is that they can't kill her off as you suggest because she's needed if they are going to kill off the other major villains.

Yep which is why I think Tommen's rise in the last two seasons has not been good for the story. He's better than most other alternatives, so it saps some of the urgency.

The show needs her as a villain. Unless they are going to keep the High Sparrow around which seems unlikley.

The High Sparrow has a predicament with Cersei. If he prevails and Cersei admits to everything she's done, then that would de-legitimize Tommen. I don't think the High Sparrow would want that.

The show needs her as a villain. She'll probably end the season with more power than she's ever had. If as most of us suspect, High Sparrow and Ramsay die this season, they'll need Cersei around to be an antagonist for a while.

But would a faceless man let himself get badly wounded by the Waif? They'd likely be much better at fighting than her.