
He was great on the Dick Cavett show.

"And there’s a general sense this season that the characters we’re rooting for are finally starting to take control."

I'll bite… what pun?

"why Margaery has been marginalized in the larger narrative this season" Because if they showed us her perspective more, we'd realize right away that she's trying to fool everyone into thinking she's converted. For the show to convince us and spring a big reveal later, they need to temporarily minimize her presence.

Realistically, probably uncredited co-writers.
edit: Guys you misunderstood me below, I was talking about the novel.

For some reason they abruptly ended their major arc after only a few eipsodes so they seem to be fishing around for something else and not finding much yet.

Yes, I expected either him to come to his senses or for her to find some charming way to defuse it. It was much too BBT the way it played out.

It was a good, solid episode but I still can't believe they abruptly ended the Tobolowsky CEO arc - it seemed like it had a lot more juice in it and could have lasted most of the season.

Might be good but sounds nothing like Indiana Jones. But then to me a large part of his identity was his college professor day job. He wasn't just running around hero-ing all the time.

They had to add one so they had one they could kill off.

Benjen: "And where's Hodor? I tattood a map onto his back years ago that will lead us out of this hell."

I got a real Mad Queen Daenerys vibe at the end. Like it could go either way.

Hopefully, or the Waif gets killed by what she thinks is Arya but then Arya removes her face and reveals that she's really Jaqen on his knees in a dress.

I hope so too but they are floating around King's Landing somewhere with their poison and their bad pussy.

Young and stupid. The two pillars that hold up our modern world.

There'd have been more smilarities if GRRM had followed through on his original Jon/Arya romantic arc intention. http://www.avclub.com/artic…

I'd be fine with her just running off with that comedy troupe. It'd be a kind of realistic end, the kind of detour that really happen in life as opposed to Fate and Destiny.

Sam sounded so much like David Mitchell (of Mitchell and Webb Look and Peep Show) in the carriage scenes.

I think he'll be dead soon. At the hand of RoboClegane. In the duel.

1. Non-stop
2. What did I Miss?
3. Room where it Happens
4. Helpless
5. Wait for It