
Does this even count as a Tim Burton movie? He didn't direct it. He's listed as a producer but that's likely a financial thing from his contract for the first one.

GRRM likes killing off the shiny, competent symbols of hope. Which is more or less what Daario is.

I think he already killed off the killable Starks. As usual in the genre mentors/dads etc are failing/getting killed and the unlikely plucky younger heroes succeed. So that explains people like Robb and Ned dying. I've never bought into the idea that anyone can die on this show.

I can't speak for others but for me it's that I think she'll try and screw it up. Wasn't that other guy drinking out of the same cup of wine as the target? He'll probably get killed by accident instead.

JH said either way a face was going up on the wall. He didn't say it had to be Arya's or her target's. So maybe he teaches her a lesson by putting the Waif up there which horrifies Arya that she is responsible.

Debacle is a good word for the Flash finale. It was like watching some bad crap that they make fun of on Mystery Science Theater 3000. A shame since the first half of the season had been fun.

These videos always seem like an office worker talking to his pot dealer.

For that matter they didn't have to do anything other than surround the place and wait or even set the place on fire to speed it up.

If they are going ot make it a woman the obvious and best candidate is Emily Blunt. Just the right age, personality and has action movie experience. But I fully expect it to be Hiddleston's if he wants it.

I really enjoyed the first half of the season. The Patty arc, the Shark-pants monster and all that, including the Jay-Caitlyn relationship. It started to south with: introduction of Wally (good actor for the role but just a boring character), re-introduction of the dad (ditto), forcing Barry-Iris (I'm aware this is

His IMDB says he has two movies in post-production. Maybe he wasn't very available for this season and they had to keep it simple.

The show needs to give Bachman something more constructive to do. Instead of floating on the periphery like a Kramer coming up with schemes. But as to what you talk about specifically we're supposed to be uncomfrotable with it, you're meant to not like him doing that.

Because it would make his life too nice, and this kind of comedy is about dragging the nice guy through the mud for as long as possible. :) Of course realistically they'd probably be married and have a kid by now.

Gritty? Hollywood is swamped with candy colored comic book movies of late.

Watching this episode I was getting increasingly hyped up that it was going to end with Bighead as the CEO. But no such luck. I think they are trying a little too hard with Bachman lately, he's verging into Kramer territory.

This was a Lost-ish episode. As with Lost you can count on a few things: an emotionally powerful ending that doesn't really make any sense when you think about it the next day. Also characters withholding critical information from people close to them, and characters believing what other people say even though that

"But he has a dick, so we must follow him!"

Sort of. They were made using obsidian glass and that is what kills them.

The Mereen Red Priestess was played by Ania Bukstein. I wanted to post that because it took me a while to track down the name. I thought she did a good job, struck just the right tone and presence.

I think she's dumb to let Brienne out of her sight. Keep the woman near you as a bodyguard.