
They finally gave Tom James some intriguing aspects. It's a better plan than lets have a comedy legend play a boring pointless character.

It was like McCoy being given the bridge. "Oh what I'm in charge for now? I guess so…"

I don't know but this actress had a powerful presence. The casting people delivered.

We'll find out in the series finale that Benjen did the smart thing and ran off to Dorne and has been living in paradise for years.

It might, but it doesn't make sense to believe that anything he's claiming is factually true unless she double checks it.

I see no reason to believe Littlefinger and given what she's been through Sansa was very stupid to.

Or go back and whisper to Ned: "If you leave, Catelyn will make an increasingly poor series of decisions and royally Eff things up."

I agree. And Sansa not telling Jon about Littlefinger, and just trusting Littlefinger's information like she'd learned nothing.

I thought so too but I just wanted to check because so many were calling it a heroic moment. It wasn't though, it was a guy using another guy as a meat puppet. A tragic powerful ending, but not heroic by either of them.

Was Hodor holding the door as "himself" or was Bran warged into him and causing him to do it?

I was browsing aintitcoolnews one time in the mid 00s about two weeks before the superbowl in a talkback thread about some pop culture stuff and a guy showed up and made one post - that the superbowl would end with such-and-such winning and gave the score and the game winning field play details and such. In about 3

In the season finale Bran goes back and tells Daario 1 to change into Daario 2.

This was directed by Lost guy Jack Bender and had the highs and lows of Lost: powerful, memorable emotional ending, but also characters stupidly withholding critical information from each other (Sansa/Jon).

It was annoyingly stupid and a terrible thing to do to Jon.

Yes they really just smash cut to dick and balls without warning.

Arya, your eyes are suddenly so wrinkly and your nose has a wart on it.

Just wait till the whole series ends with Bran telling Ned not to go to King's Landing and then none of the story ends up happening.

The play was so good, though I could have done without the urology closeup after it.

I feel like she and her mentor might be coming to a clash. In story structure terms, eventually she has to go out on her own, which means probably either she has to run away or J. H. gets killed. Or both.