
When they go off book to add some quiet depth, like the Cersei/Robert conversation in season 1, it usually adds a lot. But when they go off book to try to imitate GRRM type aha butchery! moments, it usually falls flat on its face. Like with the Dorne stuff.

I assumed he was talking about Jay Garrick/Zoom, who is likely going to die in the Flash finale.

Sidse Babette Knudsen, the other part of the trio of Borgen actors that includes Euron and Karsi.

Well he does play the title character.

There's bad-bad and there's fun-bad. This looks fun-bad. I mean the cast alone makes anything watchable.

I don't think Luke could pull someone like Felicity Jones, even using the force.

It's been out for weeks. People say it's better.

Titus Welliver as Michael Connelly's Bosch. I'm glad to see Brett remembered. Just a perfect match of actor and role.

Well on video at home is a different thing, a more comforting environment. And this looks much more intense than Force Awakens to me. Kids seem more likely to worry about a giant tiger attacking them than Tie fighters and such. But every kid is different.

This is nothing like a pixar movie. This is extremely intense with a realistic look, not a cartoon. Which is fine if you're maybe like 9. But people are going to take 4 year olds to this.

It's hard to figure who the target audience is for this movie. Too scary for little kids and for older kids they might think the concept is too childish.

I still remember that reality show INXS had to pick a new lead, and it came down to two people: one talentless idiot whose main thing was he wore a funky hat, and one charismatic, experienced singer with a powerful voice. They went with the hat guy and naturally floundered.

It won't happen but I wish that next season was about Jimmy in the present trying to reconnect with Kim and dealing with his past. Just skip over the whole BB era ASAP.

Unfortuntaely agree. With her gone we saw Nick as the lead and it was 10x funnier. Zooey's presence makes everything twee and precious which dampens the comedy.

A show about dog catchers is more likely something I'd have watched - something different.

It wasn't Vampire Diaries without Elena any more than The Office still worked without Michael Scott.

An improvement. At least, going by that cover. More natural, less plastic. But probably too late.

I suspect I'll see her in some other tv show or movie down the line and think she's perfect for it. But I didn't in this series. C'est la vie.

Nevermind. I forgot what online fandoms are like. I didn't mean to upset anyone.

Hollywood has never been big on original material. Even during the "golden age", there were tons and tons of sequels and most big stuff like Casablanca or Wizard of Oz etc were adapted from other mediums. Even things like Die Hard, that began as a book that the writer of which said was inspired to be Towering Inferno