
She's definitley chubby, whether or not that qualifies as plus sized is splitting hairs. So are Louis CK, Jonah Hill and a lot of other male comedians. And yes there is a right and wrong way for a body to be, the right way is healthy. Having said that, it goes with the territory of entertainers and in particular

The Deke actor had a major longrunning role as the hero's boss on Justified, for anyone who wants more of him.

An uneven series that had pacing problems and periods of just being boring, but it had a good cast and a decent ending. I'd put it in the same rough genre as Man in the High Castle only this was better.

There's no shortage of pretty faces in Hollywood but she really brought something more to it. I hope she gets some good roles soon.

Chuck is this show's Olly.

The Jessa/Adam thing is like this one bright spot in the whole dismal series.

Ezra Miller is so deeply creepy that it's hard to have hope for this project.

Much of Shakespeare is like a million dick jokes with some drama mixed in. He didn't just dabble in comedy on the side. I do wonder if it was funny back then though, might have been.

She was dead the minute they cast someone too attractive and charismatic for other shows not to poach.

It was so much better then. With Jess around it's a gentle little comedy with some cute laughs now and then. While she was gone it became amazing, the funniest sitcom on the air, and everyone else seemed unchained and really going for it.

The premise sounds too overly convoluted to catch on. No pun intended, unless you love puns.

Were we to assume all those people he wailed on in the countless games and movies before just got up and walked away later? I always assumed some ended up with broken ribs and jaws, but some died.

That or "would it help if I told you Lexa was a Trump supporter?"

Funny anyone calling Lexa "pure". I watched a lot of The 100 and the only pure characters were the children at Mount Weather that Lexa's girlfriend murdered.

Future antagonists: just like flash but they only run in circles; just like Flash only their costume helps them jump high; just like Flash only it's a Yorkshire Terrier.

I want that to be true so I won't even wikipedia it to check.

Yeah! (But what does MD mean in this context?)

I was loving this show abou a month ago, but Michael's return has been a huge bummer. Jane is much more interesting when she's struggling alone and uncertain and seeking something new than with these tired old relationships.

Maybe she does and gets killed.

Well they have all those holograms to play with.