
This season of this show is easily the most I've liked any comic book series. So yeah the writing may be a bit corny at times but it works for me.

Earth 3. Or possibly 26 earths and one of these guys is Jay Z.

I'm trusting you that denticles is a real word.

At first I thought you meant shoot Wally. I was like well he may be a little shit but that's harsh.

It puts the lotion on the skin or else it has to stay in a pretty nice place in comfort in an alternate universe.

Megan isn't adding much, if anything. But the regulars are doing great lately in Zooey's absence. And for some reason Hannah Simone has never been more attractive - not sure if it's lighting and makeup or something else, but it's working for her.

This was the first and only bad episode of this new season to me. If I wanted to see current events and suicide bomber stuff I'd watch crime and spy shows, I watch X Files to get something different. And the doppleganger FBI team is a tired old trope that every mediocre show does when they've been on the air too long.

This show doesn't need a temporary replacement for Zooey, it was doing just fine without her. Nick is the natural lead character and he had more screentime in recent weeks.

Stanley Tucci, Fortutude, would be on my list.

This series didn't stick the landing, what a shame. Killing off Morton left just a mess boring subplots and minor characters it was hard to plod through.

The series died in the snow with Morton.

The solution here is just dump them all out at once Netflix style, if that's her concern.

The Serial bubble burst a while back. I think she made a a few mistakes like not recording and editing them all in advance and also in putting him on air. Once people heard him talk it was so obvious the guy was at a minimum shifty as hell. I don't think this next season will have near the buzz.

They are over-using Missy. Last season's best episodes were the ones closest to being stand alones, like Orient Express and Listen. The arcs in modern Who are not where the best stuff is.

The India plot worked well. The dream plot bored me. Morgan was used to good effect, and the parents were written and acted wonderfully.

It might have helped that I binge watched the season over a week and didn't listen to complainers in between episodes as I might have if I'd seen it as it aired, but to me this was the best season of the new era and definitely the best since Smith's first season. Capaldi did such a great job and there were more than a

Why can't we compare it to the first season? It's not a miniseries, it's a series. Comparing seasons is fair game. If they don't want us to draw comparisons then they should simply have called this season something else.

It's too late now. They jettisoned 75% of what worked best about season 1. One director directing it all. CF as the director in particular. A lot of intentional humor. (Harrelson's cracks about MM's seriousness). Setting it outside over-exposed tiresome California. Beautiful and brilliant theme music choice.

That's just the movie trying to honey dick you.

Hardhome would have been even better if the costume designer hadn't given all the wildlings identical looking jackets. It came across like some kind of uniform which is counter to their whole situation.