
It isn't about being cuddly and likable. That's a straw man argument you've created. But an actor with enough charisma and talent can keep you wanting to watch him because they have a certain something that offsets the nastiness. There are countless examples but to pick one, like the Hound on Game of Thrones. He's way

Forte was a problem. He's just not innately likable enough to counter the way the character is written. If they didn't already have jobs, either TJ Miller or Jake Johnson would have been better. Or offer it to Krasinski. Might have been amusing to see him play against type.

Yep. Most of the recent Marvel movies have started to feel like that as well. I have some hope for Ant Man though.

The beard has helped his character. Not kidding, it makes him seem more complete somehow.

Maybe. But I could have watched an hour of that group discussion in Mereen.

She's probably smart and read ahead.

It depends on what is under the snow. That could be the part of the wall that they dump the unneeded rusty, old swords off of.

It would have been more believable if Chang had showed up first to explain how it's not so bad.

Yes. He's probably dead. They probably just had so much other stuff to go graphic on they chose that to tone down. A girl needs to shock us with violence, which is harder if a man has already been graphically beheaded a few minutes earlier.

They are this world's Franco and Rogen.

Jaime's scene with his daughter was so nice that for a moment I was like "yay the Dorne plot finally resulted in something worth it, such a great moment". And then nope, back to cheesiness.

This was the first time for me that Daario seemed cool and interesting and maybe even a symbol of hope. So I guess that means he'll die gruesomely next year.

True though I think a lot of good tv does that. Game of Thrones, Mad Men, Breaking Bad etc.

Yep. And sometimes it also means he's going to say something horribly self deprecating but also kind of accurate.

And not last minute reversals in which anyone gets gruesomely killed or raped. This is my favorite HBO series lately. It's like a happy pill that is needed right in that time slot.

When it doesn't work right, as in this case, it feels like the producers killing a character and not the person who is doing so on screen. The Mountain seemed to kill Oberyn but Benioff and Weiss seemed to kill Shireen. That takes a viewer out of a show.

B and W did this to Shireen so they could point out "See it's not that we like rape, we just don't like women generally."

The Tina character is suffering a fast forward version of the fate suffered by many breakout "whacky" characters, they just go over the top with them. Not to be too harsh though, like the actress and want a second season.

I loved the first 3 episodes of this series but then it just went steadily downhill. It never reached outright bad (more from A to C+) but became a disappointment and this episode is a good example.

You must be new, thinking people post to make things better.