
The problem for him, to over-simplify it a bit, is that he's a drama actor and Hollywood doesn't make dramas anymore, at least not to any significant degree.

To quote BJ Novak from a few years ago: "I will watch The Wire when I watch The Wire!”

Belchek is cool, and looks a bit like Mark Strong.

True. Though I chuckled a bit when she asked the guy to drive her over to nearer the generator so she could throw a grenade in a cute-model way. Rather than just have the guy, who looked very athletic, throw it and not worry about getting closer. Especially since he had the grenade first anyway.

There was not enough Kate for my taste. My taste being I'd be fine if she was the lead. But other than that this was one of the best episodes so far in this season and redeemed the previous episode which was so ridiculous I wasn't sure if I'd tune in this week.

True Detective was better. Fargo was too reliant on the police being complete idiots other than Molly. It was this big narrative crutch it leaned on too often to make everything easier for the villains.

Stephen Fry. After he's droned mid-sentence while saying "But I'm the Prime Minister!! Why won't anyone listen to me?"

Bob Odenkirk would be nice.

I won't accept he's dead till the terrorists sew his dire wolf's head onto his body.

Nobody expects the Stannis expedition!

So we shouldn't look up to low intelligence and we shouldn't look down on it either. Is looking sideways at it acceptable?

I'm not sure who you are talking to. Me? I wasn't making any sort of opinion about torture in my post. The writers? I doubt they'll see it here but who knows.

This seemed like the best directed and overall most satisfying episode of this season so far. Good intrigue and use of minor characters (goateed programmer guy is interesting), everything flowed well, and it didn't hurt that Yvonne was exceptionally Strahotski in this hour.

It's not a question of cramming anything in. They clearly structure these seasons by deciding ahead of time what the highpoints will be. Like you said they shouldn't tack on Stannis awkwardly at the end. Instead they could decide they'll end E9 with that big event, since all E9s have had game-changer endings, and

It felt like a structural mistake to not end this with Stannis arriving - the perfect GoT episode 9 ending. They'd have had to shorten the first attack and put it earlier or even in a previous episode but it could have been done.

Yes I agree that's what he was saying.

They could have just slapped a 100 page epilogue on book 3 and called it an ending.

"Oh, and STEVE IS THE MOLE." One of them. I keep wondering why such an established actor like Colin Salmon would be in such a thankless small role as he is so far in this series. He has to be one of the villains, right?

Or you could just start rooting for SansaFinger, those crazy kids.