
I guess but if that's what they were going for they could have worked harder on the "good" part of their nature, like not shooting blindly into snow when you know your partner is in there nearby or not machine gunning a house when you don't know if there are any hostages or children inside.

I can't even imagine planning my moviegoing that far ahead. At most I know what I might go see later this summer.

I thought I had but people said I was wrong. I thought I'd read that it was an anthology with perhaps one or two characters carrying over and mostly a new slate each season.

That's only because you aren't a studio exec with dreams of millions of plush toy sales.

Maybe they mean the scientists in the movie try to invent dinosaurs that never really existed, via mixing and matching DNA or some such. That would be a fascinating direction.

So Westworld with dinosaurs then.

No I did not know that. What I'd heard is that it was going to be an anthology of some sort.

I'm not sure I understand your first point. So you want her written off this series? Isn't she more or less the protagonist. I'd expect her to stay on Fargo for several years.

On tv they seem to think the main problem with being shot is apparently lead poisoning and that as long as the bullet goes "clean through" you are okay. I don't know where this myth started, it's pretty odd.

I just have no respect or sympathy for Gus anymore after his actions at the end of the last episode so it's hard going forward given he's one of the main protagonists.

Yeah I didn't like it either for a number of reasons. The middle setpiece with the sniper/hostage setup didn't mean much to me since the character put in danger was not someone we either knew or cared about. Then we have Gus acting ridiculously dumb in the snow fight and Lester being implausibly good at sneaking

Yes. This is to American Horror Story as Hannibal is to an evening of Food Network and Criminal Minds.

Yes I think he was strapped to something like an exercise machine. But where there's a will there's a way when you're in shape like he is and your life is on the line. He could have at least tried.

You were right. He's not the preacher. He was very surprised at the identity they gave him saying he was a preacher. They pretty clearly put up a fake website about this fake congregation to help his cover.

I might have felt the same if I liked his character at all. But he was a 2 dimensional idiot. And even in the scenario set up anyone sensible would have used their weight to knock themselves onto the floor which would have improved his chances a lot.

I don't know about that, she seems pretty interested in him and the first time they met she essentially asked him out on a kind of stealth date.

She probably just assumed she was with a partner who had an iq over 80. If she knew how dim Grimly was and that he'd just shoot blindly at a vague form in the snow, I'm sure she'd have communicated better.

I really like this series but after catching up with it I don't understand why critics are praising this episode so highly. It was far from the best so far. A solid B, a step down from some of the episodes that led up to it.

I have less of a problem with this show than I do with Bachelor or Bachelorette. At least this one seems like a harsh mockery of those other ones which are taken more seriously.

That's true though if this season had higher ratings I think they might have spun her off, which is more what I was getting at. Actual real 24 is Jack Bauer, agreed.