
The subtitle of this season should be 24: Live Till You Can Pass the Series on to Kate. Although if Jack's aim had been a bit better near the end, both she and he would be dead and this would have been the last episode.

You articulated a lot of things I agree with. And as to Joan, not just the brother of the man she's living with, the brother of the guy she was until recently a sober companion for, if I am using the right term for her role with Sherlock in helping him. At a minimum she's been acting pretty rude.

A few random thoughts about the episode and season.
- Not a bad wrap up but I expected something more. Like finally meeting Sherlock's dad: why have they kept him from us for 2 years? This would have been a good time to introduce him.
- Mycroft's characterization is problematic. I like the actor but the way he dresses

I think it is going to be both prequel and sequel at the same time. Based on hints they've dropped in other articles over the months.

She's so much FemJack that I've been wondering if they are testing the waters to spin her character off into its own series.

And I'd have thought many guys in that business might have creative side projects and wouldn't be surprised about a thing like that. It's not like he worked in an accounting firm. Even Ken wrote sci fi on the side.

I just hope Cutler starts singing Daisy…Daisy… when Don shuts him down.

His cartoon ambitions made me like Lou Avery more. Which is to say, at all.

Bob is almost the opposite of a foodie. There's not a pretentious bone in his body.

Yes. That's what I meant to say. ;)

Victor and the monster brought the episode down with their lameness. Much of the rest of it was pretty impressive. I've never seen Eva Green better and I have seen close to everything she's done (and undone…).

P.D. spoilers but I'm deliberately vague. I was greatly enjoying Penny Dreadful till the last 5 minutes of the pilot which were lame. Not just the weak actor playing a certain scientist, or the overly modern looking cadaver he was dealing with, but beyond that the problem was realizing this show is not trying to

Hannibal combines my two least favorite tv trends. Foodies and serial killers.

Lately yes. Because Kevin Reilly is their guy and he used to work at NBC and helped get and keep shows like The Office, 30 Rock and Chuck. But then they fired him for having taste and Fox picked him up.

Pretty solid episode, one of the best things about this series is the consistency. I feel a little vindicated in my prediction last week that Mycroft would find a way to spin events in a more positive way and Joan's anger would melt away.

I probably shouldn't drag this out but to clarify, what mainly annoys me is her pouty acting and line delivery, more than her costumes which are ridiculous sometimes but not the main issue.

We dodged a bullet there.

Well the show is deliberately highlighting that side of her, it's not me bringing the topic up.

This kind of ego is what happens when you over-praise video store clerks.