
Laurel doesn't really bother me. I wouldn't say I'm a fan and the writing for her could be improved but I like her more than Sara, who is not as sexy as the show seems to think she is. By contrast, Laurel just seems a down to earth, somewhat real person.

I wasn't a big fan of them putting Nick and Jess together, it seemed too soon, but everything involving their breakup has felt unbearably forced. Also I think it would be more interesting if it was Jess who bunked with Schmidt. An unusual pairing that could yield comic dividends.

I was surprised how cheap it all looked, at least outside of a few indoor posh scenes. I was expecting to be more wowed. On the plus side, Strahotski fits in well enough and is a welcome presence.

I don't but I did hear about H. Salt numerous times as a kid. These are great references, companies that seemed as big as something like Panera does now, and yet barely remembered.

He didn't accept it at first, but by the end I think he realized that he's so good he will do work that can't be ignored. His talent and hard work will get him out of the box he's in.

Right. I think it was a way of describing the computer that also fit with the 60s in having allusions to the 2001 film.

As I recall it, she blames him for ruining her relationship with Ted Chaough.

I wonder if Breaking Bad's The Fly would count?

"It was for the greater good, my dear, and I thought I was putting only my own life on the line." said with a British accent will fix things for him.

Agreed. It might have worked better if one or more of the hitmen was an undercover British agent.

Does anyone know if it's included in the US itunes version? Asking for "a friend".

It seemed like a major touchstone in Ragnar's development to me. It also helped give us a sense of when Ragnar and Athelstan might have talked about the coming coup attempt.

When he was doing it, I was thinking "No Ragnar, you'll want people to be able to recognize him so you can show people he is dead."

I never doubted Floki would choose Ragnar though I was surprised that Ragnar was in on it as much as he was. And I was fooled into thinking Floki had killed Rollo, so good job on that.

Every time they put Phil and Gloria together for a subplot they just seem like a natural couple, more so than with their “real” spouses. Rhys Darby in it made this episode a win, regardless of how lame the rest was at times. I wish FX or Comedy Central would give him his own series.

This is like when Pam went to art school on The Office and met Rich Sommer.

I totally forgot about that show and that I used to sometimes watch it. Now I know why he seems so familiar. His recent acting credits didn't turn up much when I checked last week.

Before anyone has triplets.

Everyone is flawed, so I'd assume I was too. :) As to Kalinda, oh she's awful as is almost everyone on the show. If the roof caved in on all these scheming 1%ers it would do the imaginary world of the show a good deed. But she was still adorable to me in that scene. She has her moments here and there, when she's not

I still can't get past the name of this show, which is Terriers-level misguided.