
That paragraph was a joke. He was condemning people for making puns out of the incident while he himself was as well in that paragraph ("choked").

While watching Nashville, we learned recently.

Yes, or Princess Bride style with the Dread Pirate Roberts. Make Samantha Bee the host but still call her Colbert.

If he was going to break up with her, last week was the week he should have. When she didn't care enough about him to dump the other guy in a clear cut manner.

Yes I posted the same thing before I saw your post. ;) Tudyk was killed way too soon. He was something that really worked they could have built on.

The most interesting villain for me this season was Tudyk's hitman. If they could have expanded on that for a half season arc of some kind, like a mini version of Eldard or McDonough's roles, they might have had something cool.

I agree. The season had an issue of too many random deaths, but overall it was a good one with a great villain.

That they don't get that Turncoat is an infinitely better title gives me no hope for the creative minds behind this series.

Colbert would be fine but I'd prefer Tina Fey or Maya Rudolph or if they can wait just a bit for Parks to end, Amy Poehler.

Whether she moves on or not, as a mother to two young-ish children I'd have more respect for her if she was less easy and took it slow.
edit: looks like middle school let out early this year.

A sign of how good this season is that occurred to me during this episode: I rarely think about the writing or directing process involved. It just seems fluid and organic. And as a bitter old avclubber who dissects and nitpicks with abandon that's not common for me.

And by similar token, either learn to recognize when something is not meant seriously or stop reading the comment section at avclub.

I am not surprised though. She can't even recognize her sister's butt-chin when the sister is wearing a mask and right in front of her.

Thanks. I was just naturally curious. :)

Yeah I could have worded my post more precisely. Also, Robin being sad was why I pulled back from the series a while back. When she learned she couldn't have kids. Too depressing, even though she thought at the time she didn't want them.

Not at all. I was never invested in there being some syrupy happy ending where he meets a Mary Sue who talks like a therapist and looks like Lily and everyone lives happily ever after.

Hah did someone link my comment somewhere? How did you find this? :)

I'm suddenly get a lot of replies to this. Did someone post a link to it somewhere today?

Nobody pronounces encyclopedia as funnily as Radnor.