
Freedom's just another word for nothin' left to lose, dammit.

I thought that was Tahiti?

Lynch's adaption is a very bizarre and spectacular failure. Partially from Lynch's own strange sensibility and partially from studio interference. I have to admit that whenever this shows up on cable, I end up watching it because it's so damn weird. It's kind of like the sci-fi Roadhouse to me…a cinematic train wreck

One's tone poem is another's fever dream.

I blame the Scientologists!

Chevrolet, the official car of cancer.

I can't find much amusement in the ignorant, hateful rednecks posting their vitriol about this ad. Strange that in a country that's populated by nothing but immigrants (unless you're Native American of course), there's a contingent of people that are so very anti-immigrant.

That mugshot really brings out his inner lesbian.

My favorite part of Penn & Teller Get Killed, is a movie marquee in the background that's promoting an all Shemp Three Stooges Festival.

Why do you hate our country?

Or that short-lived sit-com, "Oh That Hitler."

I remember the first time I saw this movie as a kid and thought, "Gee, this is nothing like Hogan's Heroes." Thank goodness it isn't.

Hash-tag go fuck yourself, Shia.

^ YES!!! OMG YES!!!

Really? "His attention to scientific detail is too much for you?" Jesus. Then you cite Sandwich King as some kind of benchmark? Fuck. The AV Club has hit a new low that you were not gang-tackled with negative comments.

Bourdain was always far too snarky for FN. And dare I say, too genuine of a personality.

Thanks Bobby!

Waaay back in the day when our cable provider didn't carry Food Network, I'd wind up taking over the t.v. when visiting our in-laws just to catch episodes of Good Eats. Though his comedy schtick can sometimes wear thin, I love Brown and the show to death. Though he would bend over backwards for a cheap laugh or bad

Cooks Illustrated definitely copped his technique of using diagrams and illustrations to explain the mad science of cooking.

^ What he say.