
I heard his flesh tastes like Canadian bacon.

Yeah, he makes me want to get all slappy and hitty with his cute little lesbian face.

I actually got a little misty-eyed when Tyson spoke of his first meeting with Sagan. Terrific story.

I also enjoyed the animated part. Nat Geo showed reruns of the original Cosmos and the "dramatic recreations" done on the Sagan version were pretty darn cheesy. I believe the animation is a breath of fresh air for the historical flashbacks.

I know I'm late to the comments board regarding this album, but I finally had a chance to give this a listen and I'm really, really impressed. One of the freshest things I've heard in a while. Don't really understand the "overstuffed" comment…it goes by way too quickly.

Ugh. Sad that one of the cornerstones of the entire Marvel universe can never seem to get a good movie or t.v. show. I've mentioned this before, but I'd love to see a film version that actually takes place in the early 60's and holds true to the early comics.

Sigh, one of my favorite bands. I was tickled to see this article today, but a bit bittersweet due to Bob 2's recent passing. These guys were the ones that made me realize it was okay to be different, okay to be a non-comformist and go against the grain. They saved me during some difficult high school years.

At least Bob2 went out on a high note. Something for Everybody is definitely a very solid album.

Yeah, I read an interview with Mark a while back and he regretted how prickly and insular they were with Eno. Apparently Devo was always on the defensive with outsiders. He also mentioned that Eno recorded his own synth parts for a lot of the tracks for Q: Are We Not Men and of course the band rejected all of them.

Their catalog was remastered not too long ago.

Ugh, first my garage was burglarized last night and now this. This really sucks. We must repeat.

Some awesome, dirty and very expressive lead synth work on that song.

Do they still reek of marijuana?

What, the new Arsenio reboot doesn't do it for ya?

Danny is the nastiest, most hateful villain to ever appear on Justified. Seems like even the meanest bad guys on the show always have some fun quirk or some nuance that at least make entertainingly palpable. Danny is just an evil, nasty, sadistic and cowardly piece of crap. I cannot wait to see him meet his maker in

Not very articulate but I agree 100%.

We've had our shots.

Can't get into the fishmonger thing?

With a pocket square!

Just watched Topper the other day, it was buried in my DVR for quite some time. Yeah, a wonderful, light romp. I guess it's a testament to how many great movies Grant was in that Topper was overlooked.