
That's how I interpreted it. He didn't say that Nirvana spawned The Pixies, he implied that listening to Nirvana BROUGHT him to The Pixies.

Jonas Brothers Mark II.

My experience of Reed and V.U. echoes Jason's experience. Learning their simple songs as a noob guitar player. Wishing I could crank the amp up in my bedroom for the proper feedback level. Actually, that's one of the things that I've been thinking about the most since I heard of Reed's passing – how much CONTRAST

Hell, I first saw Roger Rabbit as an adult and Judge Doom freaked my shit out in my mid-20's. Then again, I might be a wimp…

So THAT'S how it works.

Thanks for the Buckaroo Banzai reference.

I can recall the ads when the movie first came out…the creepy claw hanging from a crib. The ad alone scared the crap out of my little kid self.

Never did hear of this show before, but it sounds absolutely brilliant!

Lou Reed and Velvet Underground was my gateway to punk, new wave, alt and indie rock. As a kid in the Chicago suburbs during the 70's, the airwaves were still saturated with the last gasps of hippy idealism and overproduced, syupy pop. It wasn't until I was in high school in the 80's that a friend introduced me to

My astute, articulate response to this is, fuck this shit.

I know nothing about the show, but I do approve of the naughty witch on the left.

Film is still a relatively young medium, so it makes sense that certain editing techniques become best practices. Just like other visual mediums, there are certain rules to apply to the craft. Of course those rules are made to be broken, sometimes for good or for ill.

So is the editor the guy playing cowbell? I'm confused…

I think it's best to chalk it up to just how good it is. Fantastic film.

Not to mention the rom-com dis. I mean DAMN!

Gee, I wonder why you guys broke up?

When the movie first aired on broadcast t.v. in the '70's, my brother and I donned shoulder pads, baseball gloves and our roller skates and had our own rollerball tournaments in the basement. How we survived our childhood, I'll never know.

Quadrophenia was recently on IFC and holds up surprisingly well. Love Sting as Ace Face when he's dancing at the Brighton club. Such bizarre dance moves.

And here I thought it was about an underpaid guy in a cheap suit trying to talk me out of going to art school when I graduated from high school. Apparently I needed "something to fall back on."

Thanks for the Topper nod. Love that movie. Cary Grant is his usual, charming, Cary Grant self.