
This is why I recommend chloroform, some handcuffs, a ball gag and a soundproof, isolated basement.

Vatican Shadow was the name of my Goth band.

Channing Tatum's Waterhead Stories. Starring Channing Tatum as The Waterhead.

He stole one of Zoolander's signature looks.

Case in point: Colt McCoy

It's a gritty reboot with actual little people playing all the parts. It's like Terror of Tiny Town but more angsty.

The actress or the character?

Viva Variety was da bomb and anyone who thinks different should meet me by the bike racks after school.

I wish there were more horror films in this vein. Not super scary but at least interesting. I'm so sick of the current crop of either torture porn or quick-cut shock crap.

Hello…READING puts you at extreme risk!

:: Double-checks URL to make sure I wasn't on The Onion.::

Thank you for that, you made my afternoon.

Hopefully it's not too lemony because then it stings.

Charley who?

I've been into the UFO phenomena since I was a kid. I'll certainly concede the fact that the majority of sightings are either cases of mistaken identity or hoaxes. With that said, there's still a small percentage of sightings that are enticingly strange and difficult to explain away.

The truth is out dare.

Maaan, I gotta pick up Palladia on my Direct TV plan. Had a free preview a week or so ago and that station is terrific. Gosh, a music channel that plays…MUSIC. Go figure.

To amuse myself during a slow day at work I wound up re-reading the AV Club interview with Tommy Wiseau just the other day. The Room 2 would be…interesting.

In theory and done right, this would be brilliant. The sad reality is that Banzai was such a product of it's time. It so oozes the 80's (in a good way) that you could never, ever capture that feel – that vibe again.

We share the same base, deplorable instincts.