
Fortunately no. Dammit, I had SCRUPLES.

…and the tucking of the booze bottle amongst the hospital linens.

As a starving artist living in a Big-10 college town during that time, I made my living creating Calvin and Hobbes and Bart Simpson knock-off t-shirts for awful frat parties and events. Paid for pizza, beer and weed, though.

Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't he obsessed with playing jazz guitar? I thought I recall reading that somewhere.

For me it's the scene with Murray in the hospital elevator. Kills me every time.

My hovercraft is full of eels.

Dafoe looks like a badass in this.

This is another wonderful film that no matter what I'm doing, no matter what time of day it is, if I come across it on t.v. I stop everything to watch. Plus Dr. Venture as Robert Crumb. Excellent casting all around.

And then perhaps getting tipsy on chianti and getting into a tickle fight which would then inevitably lead to kissing?

And still no Devo nod? Jesus Christ on a pogo stick…

I really liked the surreal touches of this episode. The guys in the red masks, the guys on the typewriters. Gave it a bit more of Dr. Who or even The Prisoner vibe. I hope they continue with this trend.

But is it SERIOUS moonlight?

Japan. Not Hong Kong.

It's an homage to the keyboard player of New Wave band Sparks.

Ahhhh yes, the band Talk Talk performing the song Talk Talk from their debut album…wait for it…Talk Talk.

OMG, there's something so wonderfully goofy about Cake Boss that it absolutely slays me. PFT is a national treasure.

"Chris Ware: The Saddest Man on Earth" available in hardcover for $29.99.

Now you're making me have a hankerin' for some Campari.

Awwwww…such a unique and charming personality. Sounds like one helluva life, though.

He does have one helluva craft services table, though. The guy can COOK.