
What about Sharknado?

What if Denzel was ALREADY DEAD?!?!?!??

It's the Dr. Who Xmas special gone wrong. Very wrong.

Oh yeah, now I remember the scene where Still in Hollywood is featured. I gotta watch this again and soon.

This is a most excellent movie. Time to update my Netflix queue. This brings back many late night stoner viewings in the late 80's/early 90's when it was in heavy rotation on HBO

Weekend at Bernie's trilogy.

No matter how many times I've seen this episode, the doves park absolutely brings me to tears. Such a wonderful, daffy little detail.

Well there you have it.

A good ear and good taste is all a producer needs.

Gawd I hope you're joking.

Excellent. This reminds me that I have this floating around on my DVR somewhere. Thanks, AV Club!

The idea of remaking this wonderfully disturbing film makes me feel as if I were tentacle-raped.

It needs to be remade because Hollywood is woefully short of original ideas.

I was thinking it was Jacob's Little Giant Ladder, the amazing 4 ladders in one.

Channing Tatum = waterhead.

I will find you!
(At 8 eastern and 7 central on channel 37)

One of my all-time favorite drummers from on of my all-time favorite bands. Godspeed Alan.

Listen to the live version. It's ALL Alan.

Agreed on all counts. Once they embraced the drum machine, they lost their edge, IMHO. I'd kill to see The Men Who Make the Music on DVD.

So…like a college marching band putting on halftime show?