
Do zombies fart?

Is David Byrne a zombie?

Psychic Diarrhea

I saw them waaaay back in the day at a show in Bloomington, IN which took place months before their initial break-up. I caught the same vibe, super tense and you could tell that no one on stage was having fun. I hate to admit it to this day, but we actually left the show early because the legendary Pixies really

Snyder's problem is this, films like 300 and Watchmen were flawed, but at least decently entertaining. Thanks to the fact that he had both films completely storyboarded out for him because they were graphic novels. Take away him getting source material to lean so heavily on and you get Sucker Punch and this mess.

Cher's not looking so hot.

Falling Skies is incredibly silly and flawed, but dammit, I can't help but love the whole humans fighting for survival against aliens scenario. I have an addition for the drinking game, 2 shots every time Tom doesn't want to hurt harnessed humans while they're shooting at him with automatic weapons. "They're still


I loved McKean asking an AV Club staffer if they're familiar with Mr. Show. I'm sure you guys have to take some kinda super-intense, obscure pop culture quiz in order to even get your foot in the door.

Yet another movie that helps Bruce Willis' cache. Say about you will about him being a horrible, self-referencing douche, but I just love that he's made appearances in all kinds of random weirdness. You gotta love him for that.

…and with that said and reading everything in this thread, is there a way to "like" every single comment here?

I'll admit that the biggest reason why I had issues giving up my last, old DVR box is that I had that movie stored on it. So effing awesome.

The show has grown to be incredibly dense with characters and intertwined storylines. I suggest playing catch-up as best you can prior to the new season. Hell, it's been so long since the last season aired that I'm going to have to do some catching up myself.

PRESIDENT Benjamin Franklin…

And of course Hell is for Heroes features the always badass Steve McQueen. Love that movie.

Funny, I was going to post about how much I'm digging the album cover design.

I don't know about "shockingly awesome" but it's way better than I expected it to be. I'm digging on the first three videos to the album as well. Nothing like Bowie when he gets good and weird.

:: begins working on fan fic::

No mention of hearing The Cult in the soundtrack?!? My ears perked up instantly and it made me smile.

I love you, X. Arguably one of the most melodic punk bands ever.